I was just wondering if anyone can give me a little more advise, I had my post op appointment on Monday but there was alot of info to take in and im worried il do it wrong. I was told after 4-5 days to soak in a full bath with baby wash until my sticky dressings peel off! I just want to make sure iv got the right info before I go ahead and do it! I will get to see my scars for the first time and they will be bare ekkk :crazy:
Lovin’ my new boobies :cheer:
I tended to have baths more than showers as soon as got home from Highgate. I would make the bath shallow and use a sponge/flannel. I found it hard showering without wetting the dressings. Yes after 4-5 days gently wet the strips in a nice bath I used normal bubblebath…I was told they should peel off nicely but it was a bit like pulling a plaster off for me even though they were wet..made my eyes water!!. Dont get the strips wet before the 4 – 5 days is up. Maybe I should have soaked them a bit more they might have come off easier. I found my scars to be quite pinky/red but this settled down…. 9 weeks on the scars are getting better. They seem to fade more week by week.
Emma ,
Iam four weeks post op when can i have a long soak in the bath i forgot to ask ,i have been getting shallow baths and i long for a soak in the bath thanx keery x
Hiya Kellg
You are fine for long soaks now. Its just when you have the dressings on. Still be careful when moisturising the body after bathing around the scars. Just keep them free from creams etc so the air can get to them and heal them.
I put fake tan on at 4 weeks but no where near the scars or boobs. 9 weeks on and my scars are still pinky red but getting alot better. How are you liking the boobies by the way?????xx
Kellg – Have you not soaked off your tape yet? Four weeks I thought you would of had to do this by now, im only 8 days post op!
Ive noticed iv got a spot of blood on one of mine, think I may of over done it alittle! Hope its ok!!
I was told by my nurse to fill the bath and soak in it for half an hour so im hoping they will just ease off!
Hiya Missmanace,
I had blood spots after I took tape off. Its just where the wound is healing it was on the tape aswell…had a scab at the end of both incisions for 7 weeks but they’ve gone now. I had an 18month old baby to carry so I probably over did it aswell.
Are you pleased with your new boobs?? xx PS I think your right soaking for 1/2 hour I went queesy pulling mine off!!!..only soaked them for 5 mins!! xx
Ahh thanks Emma thats made me feel better, I was getting worried! Im going to take them off on Saturday. How long does it take to fully heal and the stitches to go do you think? il feel much better when they have. Im really happy with them, they look very natural which I wanted. I was a full C and had 380cc overs, not sure what size I am now but I put a 34E bra against me and il fill that what about you?
Its a bit addictive the forum I discovered it when I had a week off work with BA. Its nice to be able to give a bit of advice. With both BA’s my scars took 2-3 weeks to dissolve and a good 6-12months to heal. I know it sounds SOOOOOOOOO Long but its more of a gradual thing. I’m 9 weeks on and my scars are still red/pinky but feel smooth to touch. They had a rough feel to them and scabbing at the sides for ages. The surgeon went in to same scar I had with 1st BA 340ccs but it is now longer at least another inch not as neat!!. Are your scars low down?? I’ve found my scars have moved higher as I’ve now a 700cc. With previous the scar was hidden more. Its easier now wearing underwired as the wire is not touching the scar.
Mine look far from natural.. had no skin so stretched to capacity…Arrrg you are sooo lucky having a ‘c’ cup to start I’m jealous…I was a fried egg 32a at the beginning of my boob jorney so you can imagine a 700cc looks tight and round on me. Maybe if I buy a trampette for the garden it may loosen them up!! hehe. I’d wait and get measured though as a 380cc on a c may fill an ‘F’. Keep in touch xx
It is addictive, I keep thinking of new things each day that I want to know about! Yeah there not far from the crease. Im hoping my scars are not too obvious im going to eventually use Kelo-cote on them, apparently its better than bio oil. Im sure the skin will loosen up after a bit lol get jumping! Blimey an F id be in shock lol. cant wait to be measured! They look bigger when there bare, those sports bra hold you in alot, bring on the proper bras!
Oh I know. Sports bras really dont give you a true picture of how your boobs will look. I’ve been thinking I had a 700cc and am a 32f but had them under and had no boobs even when 340ccs were taken out. I reckon you’ve got to fit an F cup..you’ll be so surprised. I got measured and was told I’m a 30G (haha I thought I fit a 32F/34E…I’ve even got a tesco DD bra that fits!! All bras differ sooo much even when you get measured that size may not fit in certain styles/makes. Must admit having nightmares with bras. With your scars being near the crease (same as what mine were with 340ccs) just becareful with underwire as it does rub a bit. It may be better waiting a bit longer than 6 weeks or doing alternate days sports bra/ underwired un itl you feel the scars are totally comfy with the wire. Just remembering back to 1st BA I did have an incident where i wore an underwired bra immediately after 6 wks and it really pulled on the scar and throbbed. Its all about how you feel ..try an underwired bra after 6 weeks but if it rubs it not the right time. xx
Hi girls.
I had a dressing over my inscion for the first week went back to see the nurse and she changed the dressing the week after she removed it,she said i am healing fine .I neaver had to soak enything off ,i have to go back and see her in 6 weeks ,and then 12 weeks see my surgon .I am soooooooo pleased with them and they have softened up a lot .
I am a little bit concered about my rippling at the side of one of my boobs but i am sure it will improve in time.
Emma you have been a great help too me as i remember asking your advice on a few things so thanx for that and you also have rippling so thats made me feel a little better knowing someone else has it.
I havent had a soak in the bath as i am healing realy well and want to keep the scares dry ,however i think its been long enough now and i am going for it (heaven) he he.
I am now thinking that having my ba is the best thing i have spent money on ,as i can wear enything now and it will look good on me .Thanx girls for your surport
emma – Bring on the bra measuring then, il keep you updated on what I get measured at! Yeah I will take your advice on the underwired bras, Im finding my sports bra slightly annoying let alone a bra. Thanks for your advice emma its really helped
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