Scoliosis and BA Started by: kaley rawlings

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    Interested to hear off anybody who has had a BA and who has scoliosis xx


    I doo 🙂 had two get two different size implants because of it, it’s only slightly but it was enough to make one an a and one a b before my op xx


    This is intresting, I have it and didn’t know till surgeon confirmed it as I had some ribs on left side that was really poking out, he checked my spine and confirmed what it was. Although hospital never even thought to check for it, even though 1 leg was longer then the other my pelvis was tilted up too and wonky. Anyhow now my left boob sticks out way more than right I didn’t get dif sized implants even though he knew I had it and that my left side of ribs come a lot more forward than right :/ xx


    Omg my surgeon said my right boob sticks out more than my left and made me turn around and said my right shoulder is 1cm higher than my left therefore makin my right boob higher than my left, this is why he suggested overs cuz unders would of made this more noticable but he didn’t suggest different Implants, does this mean I have scoliosis? I’m dreadin the results now I dint want wonkey boobs 😮 X


    No doesn’t mean u have that a lot of us arnt even on both sides, scolosis is a curve in the spine rather than it been straight, it gets worse as u get older. if he asked u to turn round he prob would have looked at your spine mine is really noticable when I turn round as it sticks out you can see it curve xx


    Oh right I guess I’m just bein paranoid lol thanks xx


    Maybe not tho go see a gp if concerned xx


    Aw thanks for the replies girls!! I have an s shape curve scoliosis and my hips are wonky and I lean a bit to the left, I’m a bit twisted haha, I just wanted to know your experiences as I’m having mine done Friday and I have to meet the surgeon Monday, so hoping he can decide what’s best, I’ve only just started worrying about the effects of scoliosis with a BA :/ although its not going to stop me getting big boobies, did you have any back pain from the scoliosis after the BA xxx


    I had backache at first from the preassure and been so hunched but it subsided after a week or so mine but I only have 460cc so not huge xxx


    Yeeeeh my shoulders are 2 cms difference I didn’t know until my surgeon consultation. I’ve been hunched since my op Tuesday but I just thought that would be cause my skin is so tight? Oh well, I’m not as hunched today and I’ve only taken my paracetamol not my codeine 🙂 x


    Wow, what size did you choose? How long have you taken off from work? X


    I had 365 in the bigger one and 385 in the smaller one, I’m a veterinary nurse so I’ve taken two weeks off at the moment, but if I need more I can have it, can’t be wrestling dogs with my precious new boobies haha 🙂 x


    No defo not hun haha! Can’t wait for mine!!! X


    I have quite severe scoliosis, 40 degree curve and its very obvious without clothes. Pre op I always noticed that my right boob looked and felt smaller than my left because the right side of my chest dips inwards slightly but because I was almost completely flat, this was never an issue that bothered me. I’m now 5 days post op, had 420 extra high profiles and although I love them, the difference has become more noticeable. I saw 2 surgeons before my op and neither of them suggested that i get different sizes to compensate for this and now I’m wondering why! I expressed my concerns to my surgeon right after the op because I noticed straight away and he said that they should settle in time and look more even. I hope he’s right! You should definitely ask your surgeon if he thinks you should have different sizes to avoid this.
    Apart from that, having scoliosis should have no effect on your boob job. Good luck! xxx


    Thank you so much for this Hun, which surgeons did you see?? Xx

    candyfloss 1

    Hey, I have scoliosis too. My spine is curved in like ‘S’ shape and I think it was twisted as well so it makes my hips, shoulders and ribs look wonky! It was so severe that I had to have an operation to try to correct it in my early teens involving fusing parts of the spine together but I grew since the op and my late teens so it continued to curve a bit more. It’s still noticeable now and I’m really self conscious about it and the effects of the op 🙁 But I’m reassured to see it’s not just me with living it!
    Anyway I mentioned it to my surgeon at my initial consultation when he went through medical history etc and when he examined me he could tell that it made one breast look fuller and higher than the other cos of the way my shoulders, chest and ribs lie. My surgeon talked about different sized implants generally as a way of correcting assymetry but said in my case he felt it would be better to have the same in each side.
    I’m just over 9 months post op now and they have settled roughly as even as I’d ever get given the way my body is. My left still seems to be a bit lower and stick out more than my right but that was what it was like before the op and I don’t think anyone else would notice though unless they knew what they were looking for. I only had 295cc from 32A so I haven’t noticed any pressure on my back as a result of the BA and weight of the implants. The only thing I found difficult on my spine was sleeping upright for days but I think a lot of girls without this find that a strain too.
    @Emma, you’re still very early days and they can heal at different rates so try not to judge them too much yet as they will have a lot of changes to go through. I had unders and it took months for mine to even out to where they are now. Typically it was my naturally ‘high’ and ‘smaller’ side that seemed to take longer to drop and relax more so I felt mine were quite uneven for a while and really worried about it, so may this has happenend for you too?


    Saw dr singh yesterday and he didn’t say there was a difference in my shoulder so I think it’s more in my hips, but I feel twisted if you get me! I’m so self conscious about my spine, I have always slouched thanks to the condition but I’m hoping with my new boobies that I will push them out 😉 (slouch wont be so bad then!) plus with new boobies I doubt anyone will be noticing my wonkiness because they will be to busy looking at them instead haha, I’m having 700cc on Friday at highgate xx

    Kim 1

    Hiya ladies I so wish I found this link sooner I am 14 days post op had mod profile 330cc left and high profile 345cc right am very unhappy with my results as the mod has a bigger base 12.75 compared to the base if the high profile 12.25 so have a whole difference of .50 around the whole of my bigger left breast hoping that I can get a revision. Hope that you don’t mind but I have added you all as it would be great to see your results and share experiences xx

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