Second consultation for revision Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    I went back to see my surgeon yesterday, i have been uneven from coming out of surgery, one breast never dropped an the other dropped slighty more than it should have. Last time he wanted to lower the higher breast to match it to the lower breast but my concern with that was that while the lower boob does look more natural, it doesnt have any upperfullness like the higher one does. So i asked if i could go up in size just a little so that once lowered id still get a little upper pole. He agreed that was a good idea. I have 400cc an he sugested 500cc.

    So yesterday i told him i didnt think going up 100cc i would see much difference an could i go up a little more. WOW he wasnt happy lol he was quite strern with me actually an said 500cc is plenty big enough for my frame an that my skin laxity isnt great an that if i wanted more he will give it but the risk is on my own head an that he would have me sign that id gone against his reccomendation. He said i will give you more if u want it an u will have big amazing boobs for about a year an then after that the only time they will look amazing is when you are wearing a bra! It was enough to put me off, i told him id just go with the 500cc hes the expert not me. So im only increasing by around 2/3 of a bra size but realistically im not too fussed on bra size any more for me i just want more fullness which im hoping to get?

    He spoke of highering the lower breast now instead of lowering the higher breast, so hopefully because it will be higher and im going up 100cc this will show abit of increase.

    I have textured implants an i have just recently started to notice some slight rippling so he says he would reccomend the smooth this time as the outer shell is softer so it tends to be better with less rippling. I have lost around 5lb since surgery surely that little amount of weight cant be the reason for the rippling i have now can it?

    I had so many questions i wanted to ask before the consultation an annoyingly my mind went blank after i felt like id had abit of a telling off haha, so now i wont be back until my pre op so i think i will write down some questions to ask incase i forget again, surgery is provisionally booked for 16th march.

    Sorry for the long post! Xx

    Laura 143

    They have just rung to confirm surgery for th 16th march an i have my pre op an another run through with my surgeon on 21st feb. Hopefully remember to ask him everything lol!


    Who was your surgeon Laura? I doubt 5lbs would cause rippling because although it’s a loss it’s not massive but look on the bright side you do get to go up a size! I think u did the right thing by not going up to much also if something goes wrong u haven’t gone against his advice which will give u abit of a lever if u weren’t happy x

    Laura 143

    My surgeon is mr kazzazi hes not mya anymore he used to be. Yeah i thought the same aswel becuase if i had a problem hes not going to rectify it if he had advised me not to go that big to start with so im happy with the 500cc now.

    I didnt think 5lb would make any difference either, i have unders an i can see that im getting rippling in the tops which isnt good i dont want that beimg on show if i wear a low cut top! Hopefully the smooth implant will have less rippling. Going from textured cohesive 2 to smoothe cohesive 1 which is a softer implant so not sure how they will feel in comparison to what i have now. X

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