Second thoughts Started by: Vicky

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  • Vicky 3

    I went and had my surgeon consultation yesterday and I was so excited about the whole process. I’ve wanted to have larger breasts since I was in my late teens (about 15 years) but when I left the consultation yesterday I genuinely lost my excitement. The surgeon was great and tried a couple of sizes of implants, I just left feeling unsure about it all!

    Did anyone else have this??

    Yoanna 18

    I kind of had second thoughts before I went for my first consultation. Mine was more or less a spur of the moment. Went for first consultation on the 10th of Jan and had my surgery on the 23rd or Jan. It depends what you want to achieve and what it is that it’s putting second thoughts in your mind.
    I wanted only a size bigger and my breasts look exactly the way they did naturally just a tad bigger. With clothes on no one could tell I had them done, so I only did it for me, not because of insecurities but because why not 😊
    I also had an existing relationship with my surgeon having undergone a rhinoplasty 10 years ago with him so trusted him to pick the perfect size for me. Pretty happy up to now, but still recovering.
    If you have any questions let me know.

    Bernice 51

    Hi Vicky, I went through waves of being super excited then sometimes wondering why I was doing it lol! Tbh I think I was just scared… I watched videos of various breast enlargement ops and nearly backed out at one point!
    I’m 5 weeks post op and so glad I went through with it! I’m 48 so I’ve had decades to think about it 🤣

    Louise A 7

    I’ve had second thoughts all the time, but as a dancer (not a stripper) I just wanted to love my body a little more – I’m very confident but certain dresses and tops I just can’t wear and I really hate shopping. People always think I’m a child when I don’t dress up but I’m over 29 now and just want to love ALL of me! I wouldn’t have any other surgery done but I’ve been thinking about this since I was 16! My surgery is 12th May still undecided on the cc.. I’m thinking between 250 – 300cc bit I don’t want to be too heavy

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