Sensitive Nips Started by: Jessica Stratton

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    Hey girls,

    I’m two weeks, two days post op and my nip sensitivity is like ridiculous it’s one extreme to the other. My left one is so sensitive, like when a pregnant woman doesn’t want them to be touched lol! but it hurts to touch, makes me feel a little bit sick, whereas my right I can’t feel at all yet.

    Has anyone had them too sensitive and have they gone back to normal? Thanksss Xx

    Sophia 47

    I’m 17dpo and mine are off the charts sensitive. I didn’t lose feeling in either of them, but they’re now both so sensitive to the point where if the wind blows on them it effects me lmao! Curious also if they stay like this forever or settle down x

    Louise 18

    I’m with you on this one girls I’m 4 weeks PO and it’s so uncomfortable it’s driving me crazy I can feel my nipples I never lost sensation but still numb under them every time I move they become erect. I’m wondering is it friction or part of healing of the healing process ….xx


    Ah I’m so glad we’re all in the same boat lol! Do feel sorry for you with both though! I did read something on the internet saying tea tree helps and ibrofrufen, I hate it when it’s cold at the moment feels awful! D: X

    Gemma B 95

    It’s the nerves. It will go away! Mine were horrendously sensitive for about a month. They are still a little bit sensitive, but nowhere near as bad and they aren’t hard all of the time xxx


    Yes mine are crazzyyyyy sensitive!I tried putting round cotton pads that you use to take makeup off in my bra and it helped slightly because things weren’t brushing against them as closely. I was worried i’d lose all feeling but now it’s like the complete opposite.

    Kate 61

    I’m nearly 4 months post op and mine have just settled, I honestly thought there was something wrong how long it was taking and how sore there were, it’s just when my clothes toughed them xx


    Thanks girls! Bloody hell seems like a long process, be worth it though. It’s only my left but it’s so uncomfortable x

    Hollie 10

    I’m 6 weeks post op and had one that was completely numb and one that was ridiculously sensitive, I was told to rub cream into the nipples and stimulate them as it helps the nerves regenerate……I did this nightly for about 2 weeks it honestly made me squirm but it did seem to settle them a bit and they are both returning to normal now x

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