They like you to take two weeks to think about going ahead with the procedure before you book anything, but i dont think that they are quite that strict as straight after my appointment with surgeon they gave me a list of available dates – its just a coincidence that its taken me so long to book it, what with arranging private stuff and cover at work etc. They are getting pretty booked up tho as i booked about two weeks ago and for a day stay, it was about 1 and a half months before they had any free dates!
Well good luck with booking and keep us posted on how you get on xx
I’m booked in Highgate 21st Oct, looking forward to reading all your stories!! x
september only has 30days :S i’m booked in at highgate on friday oct 2nd x
Thanks Sara, I hope all goes well for you x i’ll have to keep you posted on how it all goes xxx
Kelly x
Hey kelly, just throught i’d let you know i’m booked in on 7th October xx
Hi there – is anyone booked in on this date????
Kelly x
aww fingers crossed i mite get a quick date ;~)
i bet your really excited hun! i know i will be!!! cant stop thinkin about it even now!! xx
Hi Sara,.
I was offered the 31st september with dr singh as that was the earliest they had but they got him to do an extra day in august which is how i got the 31st august. only 19 days to go and i can’t wait so excited now.
Claire xx
Thanks kelly, think if poss i will book it on the day, taken long enough to think about it!! haha plus got the loan for it this week aswell….it sounds like they are gettin pretty booked up, so many goin in in september!! would have been best time for me aswell really but we’ll see…so excited about seein him next week x x
Hi girlies,
Is anyone else booked in on 30th Sept for a day stay – could do with a buddy ????????
Kelly x
Arr you both sound so excited, i’m seeing surgeon next thursday, 20th, and really hopin i’ll get a date for as soon as!! how long did you girls have to wait after seein surgeon? x x
My op is on 30th, the day before yours.
I’ll have to post my story on here so you can see how it went.
Emotions all over the place too – keep wondering if i have made the right choice!!!!
Kelly xx
Hi Kelly,
Yes i have had it confirmed now it is defo the 31st i am booked in for. Think it has hit home now that i am going to get my dream that i have waited for, for so long my emotions are all over the place i keep pacing up and down and then i get really tearful lol, i keep telling myself to pull it together. How are you finding it?, Maybe we will get a chance to meet not sure wha time my op is but will let you know asap wot time is urs?
Yes – i am very nervous and excited………..but really excited at the same time xxxx
Kelly x
Hi Kelly,
i am having mine done the same place as you my surgoen is mr sing, i not paid the 500 deposit yet but she said it was reserved for me got to pay it this week. are you nervous and excited?
I had it confirmed when i booked it as this was the date i really wanted as i have hols and other things already booked it. You should be told pretty quickly i would have thought. When i booked the date, i had to pay the
i have been given a reserved date but not had it in writing yet mine is on the 31st sept, how soon did you get ur confimation?
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