SEROMA 2 weeks on still swollen ANY1 else??? Started by: Jessie’x

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    Had it drained twice now still very swollen and leaking , I’m 6week post op nearly too! My other boob is great ! Why always me , anyone know any stories about seroma s I have no infection so that’s good let’s hope it stays that why don’t want to have my implant out 🙁 so upset! Xxx


    Hope it sorts itself out honey, jus take it easy x x x sending you hugs x

    Kirsty -4

    I’ve sent you a pm Hun, xxx


    Guys how did you know you had a seroma? Im terribly worried i may have one after a breast reduction 11 days ago, please help 🙁

    Kirsty -4

    Hi Hun, my left boob was bigger when I got the strapping off at 7 days po. the nurse said it was probably swelling, but over the next few days I noticed it was getting bigger in size. I went straight to clinic 11 days post op and luckily my surgeon was in clinic tht day and he confirmed it was a seroma. I have had it drained by my surgeon twice, it now leaks fluid from my scar, and the nurses change the dressing every two days. The fluid amount is alot less than it was, and the size of my boob has reduced. I’m sure you are fine Hun but if you have any concerns speak to a nurse xxx


    I’m worried too Jackie – one of my boobs is more sore and swollen than the other – it looks bigger although i had a smaller implant in that one! I’m just keeping an eye on it until my check with the nurse at 7 days and will mention it then. I hope Im worrying about nothing. Sounds like yours is getting better Kirsty – well on it’s way to fixing itself. Good luck girls x

    Kirsty -4

    Hope you are ok Hun, how did it go yesterday?? I’ll finish telling you what I started yesterday lol, mr kazzazi is happy with how they are now and wants to leave me alone, no more draining or meds, just leave my body to drain any last bits, i have a really small dressing on my scar, going back to see Leanne Friday but it looks like its stopped or at least like it’s stopping, nothing has come through the dressing. Hope everything went ok for you yesterday xxx


    Hi Kirsty, so glad you are n the mend. I saw the nurse today to get my dressings off, and she said not a seroma, that the swelling would be higher up if it was, but I will still keep my on my pesky bigger boob! X

    Kirsty -4

    Aww sooo glad it’s not a seroma!! I wouldn’t wish it on anyone it’s a pain in the bum! Xx


    I hope so Hun, it’s early days, so I will be vigilant. You take care Hun x

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