Seroma :( Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty -4

    Well girls the increase In the size of my left boob wasn’t swelling, I phoned the nurse and went straight to the the Leeds clinic, I was so lucky mr kazzazi was there, he examined me and said it was seroma and needed to be drained, he drained it and has give, me so,e medication. I see the nurse again on Thursday, and mr k and Tuesday. I was a little scared tonight but all the staff at the Leeds clinic and mr kazzazi were great. Xx


    Awww hun. That’s awful news. Poor you. At least you are getting treated now. Hugs xx


    Hope you’re ok 🙁 xx

    Kirsty -4

    Thanks hun, I’m really scared about it, but there’s nothing I can do about it now 🙁 xx


    Poor you, at least it’s been diagnosed and you’re getting the right treatment xx

    VickiLou 1

    What is this? Xx


    Im sorry to hear thtat Kirsty and i hope it all works out and at the chance of sounding dumb, what is Seroma and how do you get it?

    Stephanie -1

    At least it’s been sorted quickly 🙂

    Good luck with the healing!!

    Steph xxx


    Sorry to hear that, hope u get better soon xx

    Kirsty -4

    Thanks girls, it’s a fluid build up it can happen after surgery, I just hope the draining it and the medication helps 🙁


    OMG Kirsty are you ok ?This is awful i hope you get it sorted 🙁 xx

    Kirsty -4

    I’m ok Hun, I wasn’t I did nothing but cry Wednesday, I’m just trying to stay positive, I’ve had it drained, I’m on medication and I’m seeing mr kazzazi Tuesday, I just hope it sorts its self out. I have to say my aftercare so far has been fantastic, and all the girls at the Leeds clinic are so lovely and supportive xx


    hope your okay! im booked for feb 6th, im sure now that its drained youll be able to heal:) x


    Awwh no, im sure it will heal just fine though, many people can get them from just bumping their self. 🙂 at least they’ve found it… keep smiling hun because it will soon heal xxx

    Kirsty -4

    Thanks girls. I’m worried at the mo because it was drained Tuesday I’m taking medication and it doesn’t look any different 🙁 xx

    Rachel -1

    hey kirsty just came on to check how you were and saw your latest activity and the posts. sorry to see this, im sure its nothing extremely serious though is it? and probably common? what exactly is it, just a build up of fluid after surgery? hope your feeling a little better now. take it easy xxx

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