Severe pain at incision site Started by: XmasPuds

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  • XmasPuds 38

    Hi beauties!
    I had a re-aug on Tuesday (600cc from 260cc).

    Fantastic experience all the way through, but more on that later!
    Immediately after surgery and about 24 hours after I had little to absolutely NO pain whatsoever.

    However, over the last day and a half I have developed a very severe constant stabbing pain at my right incision site which is preventing me from moving at all, even shuffling around or moving either or my arms. With every step or very slight movement I get a very severe stabbing pain which completely stops me in my tracks!

    I like to think I have a good pain tolerance, and didn’t experience pain close to this after my first BA.
    Can someone reassure me that this is nerves knitting back together? Has anyone experienced this and it’s gone away?

    I don’t want to bother my nurse yet with it, but the pain does bring tears to my eyes. And I haven’t been able to sleep at all (not even a nap) since this started.

    I can’t see my actual incision as it is still covered with a plaster, but there is no bleeding or anything that I can see.

    Thanks girls! Xxx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun it does sound like nerve pain Hun keep on top of painkiller and use your ice packs helped me loads xxx

    XmasPuds 38

    Thank you @staceymlx I don’t know what I’d do without you on here! Boobie-God-mother haha <3 Xxxxx

    Stacey 498

    Haha xmaspuds your welcome I’m accually got nerve pain again today at 6 months post op xxx

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