Sex after labiaplasty Started by: Nadine

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  • Nadine

    Hi girls,

    I had my operation done on the 30th of November so 7 weeks yesterday. I tried to have sexual inter course recently and I found it really painful as if I was very tight and an instant burning scratching sensation. I couldn’t carry on as it was to much and I’m a firm believer if your body hurts it’s telling you something. I’m a little worried that this will be the case all the time. Did anyone else have the same problem?

    Thanks in advance x

    Emily Bignold -1

    Hi Nadine, can i ask what you actually had done? Did you have the tightening procedure?


    Hiya Emily, No I had labiaplastry. An update to anyone else ready it’s now been three month since my op and I feel better than ever. I am so happy with my results x


    I’m looking to have it done but well, my boyfriends quite large and I’m worried it might go from just about pleasurable to not enjoyable. I hate my long labia amongst other things and want it changed but a bit nervous, anyone else similar?

    hollie -1

    How long did it take your swelling etc to go down to make it looked more trimmed. I had mine done last week and i feel like it looks worse than it did before i had it done

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