Shooting burning pain- normal? Started by: Katie

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  • Katie

    Hi girls,
    I’m PO day 2 and really struggling with pain. Every time I move even slightly I have a severe shooting burning pain in my left breast. My pain threshold is pretty good but this is persistent (since around 8pm yesterday). I know it’s only day 2 and I should expect some level of pain but the burning sensation is horrendous. Is anyone else struggling with this? Or if you had similar how long did it last?
    Also, the Co-codamol doesn’t seem to be easing the pain at all- it just makes me feel really sick whenever I take it. I love my boobs but just struggling so much today with sickness and pain. I really hope it calms down soon!

    Ele Wills 69

    Yep completely normal I’m day 4 pains eased up but burning and shooting pains still there xxxx

    Ele Wills 69

    It will get better honest I was imagining the worst but everyday so far is a little better! Xxxx

    lindsey 123

    I only have pain in my right boob I am a week post op and have stope taking my medication as it’s making me feel really ill. Have you looked at your insison yet ele? Do you kno what they should look like if they are healing well I think one of mine is getting infected xxx


    Ah thanks girls. Will persevere! I’m just wandering round my house like a loon as my bum is so ridiculously numb from sleeping/sitting all the time. Also thinking of swapping to Paracetamol and Ibuprofen soon as I can’t stand the sickness from co-codamol. x


    Hi Hun the co codamol will make you feel sick if you aren’t eating something substantial enough before, I would take antibiotic in the morning and eat straight after as soon as Iv finished eating last mouthful swallow cocodamol wth water. 2 pieces of toast before will not be enough. Hope this helps, I swapped to ivruprofen and paracetamol for one day and went back as it wasn’t strong enough xxx

    Ele Wills 69

    Can’t see my incisions yet there still all covered up going to see the nurse sat and yes learnt to eat the spews way with the codeine lol I now have toast in the morning muscle relaxant and antibiotic then wait bit longer for it to settle before cocodamol. I have one tab in the morning then ibuprofen at lunch with muscle relaxants an antibiotics then I have two cocodamol at night. It’s worked great for me so far post op day 4 an pains gone from absolute agony to just my boobs getting solid when there basically letting me know it’s time for an ibuprofen an muscle relaxant ha xxx

    Ele Wills 69

    Have you seen the nurse yet Lindsey? An what does it look like xxx

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