SHOULD I BE WORRIED?!?!? Started by: Natasha

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  • Natasha

    My op is tomorrow…. i STILL havent been given my admission time.
    I just rang up and they said they were chasing this up for me, and im the only one whos not got a time yet!!
    Why is this?? They also need to book and pay for my train ticket there because i moved my date to suit them.
    Got a bad feeling they will say they cant fit me in or something, and its ridiculous leaving it this late to tell me when im in, ive got my daughter to think about and sort out first !
    From a worried Natasha x

    faith23 2

    Hmmm not good customer service at all huni !! Mines not till monday but i still havent got an admission time either.
    Hope you get this sorted asap xxx


    phone the hospital hun, they will have all the info for you xx


    Thanks hun….
    I just have a horrible feeling they’re gonna tell me they cant fit me in or something… it just seems weird that its TOMORROW and everyone has their time but me!! Dont get it 🙁 xxx


    its terrible how they keep you hanging on, just phone your hospital and they will shed all the light you need, as for your train, pester MOD and your PC all day, you need to get there, and you really shouldnt have to chase things up, sadly this seems how MYA run things, which is shocking and unfair xx

    Em 3

    MYA only rang me yesterday to tell me mine . The hospital called on Monday and told me . Hope everything’s ok to go for tomoz Hun . Keep me posted I’m having mine tomoz too.x


    I had the same issue it was mid day the day before surgery before they called and told me what train i was booked on and what my admission time was. Hopefully you’ll hear shortly xx


    Just rang Park Hill… they said they arent allowed to tell me… WTF??
    Omg im getting so mad now 🙁 xxx


    i have never heard of that, i would phone your PC now hun, and see whats going on. good luck xx

    ducky01 4

    @nevaeh89 did you ever find out? Good luck hun xx

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