Should my nipples/breasts still be numb?! Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 26

    Hi everyone! Hoping for some advice. I had my surgery on Monday, so I’m 6DPO. I had 375cc over the muscle, with a mastoplexy on one breast and just an augmentation on the other.
    Dr Tsekouras was amazing and I can’t fault him at all. But I’m just wondering, should my breasts and nipples still be numb?
    I know that obviously he basically removed the nipples and stitched them back on, but does anyone know how long it takes to get the feeling back in them? Or my breasts at all? I have pain from my incision sites, but no feeling in my actual breasts.
    Any help/advice/guidance greatly appreciated!!!
    Jess x

    Linsey Waite 10

    Hey! I was 4 weeks post op yesterday, I had breast reduction, I lost sensation in both nipples, have just now started to get back a bit of feeling when I touch my left nipple, but still not my right just yet! Also the lower half of both breasts is numb! It’s completely normal, and a long process I imagine, our nerves need time to reconnect after surgery, some people are the opposite and find it painful to touch their nipples as they are so sensitive. The feeling may never come back as strong as it was or at all, but I think we’re a long way off knowing could be months!

    Hope your recovery is going well otherwise x

    Sophie 68

    Heyyy! I think I had my op the same day as you! It’s totally normal. I have barely any feeling in my boobs and none in my nipples. I did a lot of research beforehand which said it takes time as your nerves needs to knit themselves back together again. There’s also info on this in your MYA pre-op info papers 🙂 x


    Hey, I’m just over 5 months post op I’ve got the feeling back in both nipples and tops of breasts and the sides and only just getting abit on sensation underneath, it’s normal I think it’s just a waiting game so don’t worry, I’m still waiting for mine to be fully back to normal x

    Jessica 26

    Thank you so much girls!!! I think I was just overthinking everything yesterday. It’s killing me not being able to see what’s under all of these bandages and I’m questioning things I don’t need to question. I know in the back of my mind that it’s a long process, but I keep wishing that it would all be done and over now ?
    I’ve got my post-op in Birmingham this afternoon, i’m hoping my nurse will let me see them and answer all the questions I’ve got.

    I didn’t think I’d be this dramatic or whiny ?

    Thank you for all your help!!!
    Jess xxxx

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