I would LOVE to know what you girls did before surgery day within your shower or baths. Can I have a shower the same day, including washing my hair and cleaning myself with body wash as I normally would? Asking considering you can’t wear perfume or make up or mousitroze your face either so unsure if any shampoo products and body wash products would be the same, if that’s the case can I just wash myself as I normally would the night before hand and then on day of surgery just jump in a quick bath and just rince myself down with water??
Also, what did everyone pack for their surgery day? So far I’ve got a neck pillow, zip up jackets so I can easily get them off, 2 pair of spare knickers, boyfriends joggers so I can just easily put them on too instead of trying to squeeze in jeans or leggings, my charger & my MYA post op bra. Anything else at all that I may need or will all this be fine?? Thanks in advance x