Showering post op Started by: Eilish

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  • Eilish 27

    Hey. I had my first post op shower yesterday and found it very difficult to stop the shampoo suds running down my new boobs. I was told not to get this on my incisions. Anyone got any tricks to stop this? Xx


    I had the same thing , I don’t think it’s a problem though, just make sure you let plenty of clean water wash over them before you get out, you could try leaning forward to wash your hair if not. Also I don’t dry my scars with a towel , I dry every where else then gently put the hairdryer over mine to dry them !! That’s what my nurse suggested x hope this helps

    Ellie 279

    I also have some shampoo running down although not much. It can’t really be helped unless I wash my hair on the sink or over the bath separately which kills my back. Hoping itl be okay xx

    Eilish 27

    Ahhh thats ok then. I tried leaning forward but it just kept going in my eyes. I dont want to have to wash my hair separately. Hopefully it will be ok 🙂 glad im not the only one, i thought i was just a clumsy person haha xx

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