Shrinking Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty

    Hey girls! Hope your all well!
    I am now 5 weeks 3 days post op and i feel like in the last week my boobs have shrunk a little 🙁 they are still a nice size but i just wish i had gone bigger.
    Any girls further along post op when did you notice yours shrinking? Did the size come back after they fluffed? I am just worried they are goin to keep shrinking over the next few months 🙁 xx


    Hey Hun yep it happens to us all!!! Lol the swelling really starts to go between 5&6 weeks you will have that feeling for a couple weeks but then as they soften more they will start feeling bigger again but not as big as with swelling! I am 5 months po now and I still wish I had gone bigger but I know it’s just complete boob greed and they are quite big enough!! A lot of ladies found it best at this point to get one of your pre op bras and try putting it on it does make you realise what you had and what you got! Also when you start wearing underwired bras that will make you feel completely different too good luck xx

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