Sickness/nausea Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 1

    I’m now 4 days post op and still feel like crap. I’m constantly tired and feel sick. I stopped taking codeine and switched to paracetamol instead which I thought had helped my sickess but then again last night from 8pm until now I’ve felt so sick 🙁 I feel sick weather I eat or if I don’t eat I can’t win. It’s making me feel so down as I can’t do anything as soon as I lift my head off the pillow I feel as if I’m going to throw up its horrible. Is it still from the anesthetic? Could I have an infection or something? I’m drinking lots and lots of water to try and flush everything out my system so I don’t know what it can be. Any one else experienced this? X

    Yalouise 1

    i think you should call your nurse, I had an op (not BA) a couple of years ago and felt VERY sick for days afterwards and it was an infection. call your nurse to put your mind at rest. are you taking antibiotics?? xxx

    Danielle 1

    I phoned the nurse just to reassure myself and she said it’s probably the antibiotics that are making me feel sick so I should stop taking them now as ive been taking them since Monday so I’ve had enough. Going to give that a try and see if the sickness goes anyway! Also sent my mum out to buy me some pepto bismal as I’ve read it’s good for sickness and nausea xx

    Hannah H 31

    I had my op on Tuesday Danielle and felt so bad last night from about 7p.m until half 7 this morning i think it’s connected to all the meds and being constipated. Had really bad pressure headache was being sick and felt really shivery. Managed to go the toilet, swapped to ibuprofen and had some toast this morning and lots of water and I’m feeling a lot better. Hoping I don’t start feeling sick again when I take my antibiotics today though 🙁 xxx

    Danielle 1

    Fingers crossed it carries on im feeling ok now thank god! Stopped my antibiotics and haven’t had any paracetamol so far as im not really in pain. Definitely think it was the antibiotics making me feel so sick. My mum washed my hair for me which has made me feel a million times better! Also had some pepto bismal which seems to have helped too. Hopefully that’s the end off feeling poorly and now I can just get better! Xx

    Hannah H 31

    I’m feeling a lot better today as well had a bath and going to the hairdressers for wash and blow dry soon can’t cope with greasy hair any longer lol glad your feeling better 🙂 xxx

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