Side sleeping Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe 6

    I’m 3 weeks and 2 days post op and the novelty of sleeping upright for the sake of my breasts has started to diminish and I’m really struggling to sleep now. I have always been a side sleeper but have been told by my PC not to sleep on my side until 6 weeks post op- is this more to do with healing or final results because I’m healing very well and barely have much of scar. The nurse at my 2 week follow up was very happy with how it’s all healing too. Also, I’ve been pain free pretty much after the first 5 days. So if it’s not going to affect my results then I’d really like to start sleeping on my side šŸ™ I’m just so so tired. I have a V pillow have tried pillow it’s not helping- I know I can sleep flat now but without the V pillow to stop me I know I will just roll onto my side in my sleep.

    Anyone got any advice? šŸ™


    Iā€™m five days post op and desperate to sleep properly already!!! Interested to see what others have to say!


    I slept on my side from about a week and half po, I popped a pillow underneath my boob as it was a little uncomfortable. My nurse at my 2 week app said I was fine to sleep on my side as long as it was not painful. Everyone is different though I guess. I was allowed to sleep flat after 2 weeks. X

    Assymetric 50

    I had my one week post op today and have been told I can sleep on my side but to put a pillow between my legs to stop me rolling onto my front. The nurse said that I need to keep in mind that whatever side I sleep most on will have more swelling but it wonā€™t cause a problem to the way the implants drop. Having said that, I havenā€™t had to sleep upright, I was allowed to sleep flat on my back from day one and my surgeon didnā€™t want me to wear a bra until the day after the op which is absolutely contrary to what Iā€™ve seen everyone say on here!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Assymetric 50.

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