Signed off work? Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia 6

    Hey everyone so im getting rather worried as I’m back to work on Monday and I’m scared I’m going to still not be fit for work – I do office based work and work 11 hour shifts and have to sometimes carry things and move about a lot.. I can’t use anymore of my holiday as I’ve used it all and I don’t rally want to call in sick over a boob job? Does anyone think you can get signed off because of this? I don’t want my work to think I’m being pathetic but I’m still in so much pain and so drowsy from the medication.. Xxxx

    Kellie 1

    Hey, i originally just booked holidays, but when my manager found out i was having surgery ( i didn’t tell her what for, we were just talking about what i was doing with my days off) She said to ask HR if you can have paid leave for surgery. Luckily they said you can, and i just provided a letter from my doctor confirming the date of my surgery. Make sure it says how long they expect you to be off as mine didn’t and now they want another letter. They said it could be from the hospital as well but obviously i didn’t want anything with MYA on it.
    Maybe ask and find out, i’m quite surprised at how nice my work were about it as they’ve never asked or pried into what kind of surgery it was – hope this helps 🙂

    Nina 48

    Hi Georgia

    I would be very careful about this. I’m an admin manager for the NHS and during my Sickness and Absence management training I was told about a staff member who took sick leave and then it transpired they had actually had an elective tummy tuck. Disciplinary action was taken against the staff member. It might be worth checking with your HR department what their policy is on this kind of thing. 🙂

    Cheynne 18

    Yeah ive been told as the surgery is your choice theres different policies etc. I wouldnt risk getting signed off work for them to find out I have a BA, it would cause all sorts of problems i should think xx

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