Hi silicone ladies!
I’m just sat doing some more booby research and came across a website advising of “things to consider before having a BA”… One of the things listed (but baring in mind this is from an American website) is that ladies having silicone implants usually are recommended to have regular MRI scans afterwards (this particular website says 3 years after BA, then every 2 years thereafter) to check for “silent” ruptures I.e. Those which don’t present symptoms…
I haven’t really heard anyone mention this and wondered if anyone had been told anything about this? I wonder if this would be covered on the NHS if essential?
On a similar note, what experiences do you have of having mammograms with implants? I haven’t had my op yet and no mammogram yet (I’m 23, when do I need them anyway and are hey regular or are they just for when symptoms appear?!) but another long term thing to consider!!!
Thanks x