Silly question alert! Didn’t think this far ahead :-D Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe 3

    Hi ladies, I’ve been so excited about getting ready for surgery i totally neglected any thoughts for after lol. Anyways I stocked up on a hell of a lot of comfy cute pjs etc I’m now nearly 5dpo and planning on having a wonder to the shop probably tomorrow and I literally have nothing that buttons or zips at the front that doesn’t have like sheep or little snowmen on 😀 what did people start wearing once they were up and about. Sounds mega stupid just having a brain meltdown lol

    Stacey 498

    I just used my normal clothes hun I had vest tops I just put on bottom first instead of over my head xxxx

    Robyn 13

    Hiya I’m 4 days po and I’m just about able to lift my arms enough to pull on a jumper. It only gets better from here so you may not need to buy too many zip ups now xx


    Yeah I wouldn’t worry. I just put a big jumper on when I ventured out at 5dpo I think you’ll be surprised how much that arm movement will come back over the next few days.

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