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  • Leah 32

    Hey girls I’m looking for someone with similar stats to me I’m 5-5 size 10 around 62kg and Gerring 375uhp overs, just after an idea of what they’d look like I’m not sure weather to push for bigger or not xx


    Hello, I have similar stats to you and I’m having 400hp unders on 7th Nov. When’s your surgery? X

    Leah 32

    @laurajanesmith hiya was that the biggest you were offered? What size are you now? Did your surgeon give you a reason for unders? Sorry for all the questions haha mines not till 26th Feb, maybe should of booked for earlier I wouldn’t have as much time to worry haha x


    Yes, I was offered 350, 375 and 400. Dr Andrea than said he didnt think I’d be satisfied with 350cc so in his opinion I’m better off with either 375 or 400. He may use both sizes to correct some asymmetry but will see on the day. All sizes have been ordered so I can change between any of them on the day. I am choosing 400cc though as I rarely see anyone complaining they have gone too big!
    I don’t have enough breast tissue for overs as I’m a 32b.. although I definitely think I’m more of an A especially after seeing people’s before pictures. Their B cup boobs look bigger than mine. X

    Leah 32

    @laurajanesmith I think I’m in a similar boat to you, mr mounir said im a small b on one side but with asymmetry in my chest wall so one is a small b and the other only an a but like you everyone on here that’s a b looks bigger than me haha. I agree with you going for the biggest you’re offered, I’ve seen a lot of girls on here wishing they had. He offered me between 275-375 with uph overs, I chose 375 in my smallest 350 in the other I didn’t think I even had enough tissue for overs, I’ve seen someone say on here if you go for unders you can push for abit of a bigger implant do you know if that’s right? X


    @leahxxx I don’t know for sure if that’s right but I do know that has been the case for some people, I think it makes sense that you could. Probably only by 25cc which you may loss that amount of projection once going under the muscle anyway? I’m not sure but that’s my thinking.
    You could ask to see your surgeon again and discuss unders if you’re thinking that’s the way you want to go, you’ve still got plenty of time before your surgery.
    I’ll keep you posted on my progress once mine are done and you can see what you think. I know unders are supposed to be a lot more painful!! That alone would sway me towards overs haha xx

    Ellie 23

    I have the same stats as you and I got partials 375 in one and 400 in the other. I didn’t ask what I could go up to size wise I just asked for him to make me look proportionate and suit my body! I told him I didn’t want to be an E though, nothing bigger than a dd! Only 1 week post op but so far so good! Xxx

    Leah 32

    @laurajanesmith that makes sense I’ve never thought of it like that Haha I never asked why he chose overs, think I was that over the moon for the easier recovery Haha I’m booked to see him a month before my op so I’ll have another list of questions by then haha. Yes please keep me updated I hope the recovery isn’t as bad as some people say haha xx

    I haven’t asked for a specific size as my pc told me implants may look one size but measure a few sizes bigger and think I’d be disheartened if I’d asked for one size and got measured to end up a c or something haha what profile did you have? I think I’m going ogoing try and push for the same size as you 375 and 400 instead of 350 375, how have you found partials healing wise? Xx

    Victoria 12

    Sorry this may seem like a silly question – but what are partials?


    Leah 32

    @msvikkki it’s where the implant is around 2/3 under the muscle, normally the top half is under the muscle and the bottom is just under breast tissue xx

    Victoria 12

    @leah ohhh I see thank you!


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