single mothers recovery process?? Started by: Hollie

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  • Hollie 2

    Hi all
    I’m very new to this only joined tonight but basically I’ve wanted a breast enlargement for as long as i can remember, but I’m worried about the recovery process as I am a single mum. I have a son who’s nearly 2 so he’s still very young and depends on me alot and I’m thinking it may be impossible to look after him after surgery, I do live with my dad all though I haven’t told him about my plans for a breast enlargement yet, I think he will be very against the idea so won’t be very sympathetic when it comes to recovering! my son does stay at his dad’s twice a week which will be abit of help. but basically I’m just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? is it even possible? or how hard and long the recovery actually is? any help would be greatly appreciated x

    Vicky*★. 231

    Hi Hollie! My boyfriend works away and is rarely here and I recovered on my own with two small children, you will be absolutely fine! The thing that got me the most was I was so petrified of doing damage and after I would pick my child out the bath or put her in her cot I would be so paranoid thinking I had done damage When I hadn’t and it would play on my mind so much. So I think it’s just the thought of it really. It didn’t hurt I had a very easy recovery surprisingly as I had unders which are supposed to be painful. I had two painful days 5 and 6 and both my children were with me on my own and I still managed. It would be easier to recover without having to lift them and dress them and be able to rest more and stay in bed all day, but needs is must it can’t be helped and we are mummies so we always find a way!zxxxxxxxxx

    michelle 4

    Hello, I had 275cc mod plus under the muscle on the 28th April and anaesthesia hit me bad lol so the next day when I got home with four kids it was really stressful and terrifying lol cos they might jump on u etc…anyway it’s been hard for me cos my arms is very restricted I can’t move or reach anything over my shoulder. Can’t even lift heavier than glass of water. But we are mums we find a way somehow to cope. My kids are 5,3 and twins 17 months ???? Hi I’ve been busy lol. But my point is. You will be just fine????????

    Hollie 2

    thank you both for your replies! I think that’s what I’m worried of doing damage and not healing properly he’s a very heavy little boy and always wants picking up! I was also worried that he may do some damage with not being able to understand what’s going on. but if you both can do it alone with more than 1 child I’m sure I can do it! your replies have been very helpful thanks again Vicky and Michelle xxxx

    Jessica 105

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    Hey I don’t have kids but I just wanted to tell you that if I had young children I wouldn’t of been able to do for atleast the first four days. I was very sore and couldn’t move my arms much. I struggled really bad with sickness off all the tablets and just slept loads which obviously wouldn’t be ideal if I had kids lol. Even driving ten days post op I struggled with my car door being really heavy. Even the other day I was carrying a 2L bottle of pop and felt like it was too heavy aswell and pulled slightly. I think everyone’s recovery is unpredictable, it’s a lot of money to spend to do damage to yourself so early on. X

    Laura 47

    Hi I’m a single mum on my way to my first consultation. I’m more worried about asking the kids to help wash mummies hair than picking them up as they’re a bit older. My family wouldn’t understand so I’m not telling them. I plan to do a big shop before hand and keep everything I’ll need for a week at waist height – even if it means piling plates and cups on the kitchen worktops. I’m hoping I recover quickly as I can’t take too much time off work.
    My friend made the best comment when she said you had 2 x c sections and you coped with 2 kids! We are mums! We will always find ways to get round things xx

    Teresa 3

    Hi im 2 weeks post op today ( 400 hp overs) single mum of 4, & I think when your a mum & busy multi tasker you just get on with it to be fair, pegging washing out was tricky for a few days but I just
    Went a bit slower. You’ll be fine xx

    Nadia 22

    I tried to prep my little boy -a large age 2, by trying not to pick him up and encouraging him to walk more in the run up.
    It was a bit tricky, but after, I just keep telling him I can’t pick him up, and he has been ok walking.
    I’ve just needed to allow extra time to do everything.
    Putting him in the car seat is the hardest thing at the moment, as although he is capable of climbing up, he tends to make a dive for the drivers seat!!
    I’m 12 days po today.
    Good luck. Xx

    Chloe C

    hello, how soon after did everyone get booked in to surgery i have my consultation on Monday in London x


    Hi everyone is different , just because one person had no pain n a good recovery doesn’t mean you will too x

    Mel 7

    Thanks for asking that question I was about to ask the same question. I have surgery on the 20th July and have a 1 year old that likes to sleep with me and a four year old. I will have help for 7days and then I will be on my own, so worrying a bit x

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