Size advice ? Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 9

    Booked my ba for 15th August can’t wait!
    Undecided what size to go for I’m in a C cup at the moment thinking around 375 or 400
    I’ve been offered a big range, would ideally like a full DD
    Thanks x

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    Hannah 9

    Sorry for the bad boob photo! Just looking for advice from similar positions x

    Danielle 117

    Most girls say to go with the biggest your offered and I agree lol I went with my biggest which was 450 and I’m so happy I did! Still get a bit of boob greed sometimes but I know I couldn’t of gone bigger so I’m happy. What have you been offered? Who’s your surgeon? X

    Hannah 9

    Been offered 300 up to 475
    Personally I think 450 would be too big for me sorry , what size bra are you with 450 if you don’t mind me asking ? X

    Hannah 9

    My surgeon is mr traynor x

    Stacey 496

    I’ve just had mr traynor for my ba in the 14 Jun Hun he offereced me between 500cc and 600cc I choose the 600cc and so glad I did go with bigger size as altho the sizers looked big they are completely different as implants I’m a size 14 and there soo impropstion even mr traynor said as soon as I come round from theatre that it was the right choice too make I defo go with the biggest offered to you Hun xxx

    Hannah 9

    I don’t want that big sorry they wouldn’t be in proportion with me, he recommends somewhere in the middle xx

    Stacey 496

    No Hun obvs I don’t mean the size I had I mean what he recommended would look best on you Hun mine are in proportion with me Hun altho it sounds like a massive size it’s not on me compared to what it would be on someone with different stats xx

    Hannah 9

    I’ve lost quite bit of weight since that picture lol I just can’t make mind up between 375 & 400 even though there’s hardly anything in it! Xx

    Stacey 496

    I would think about what would up set you more Hun if they turn out bigger than expected or smaller than you wanted then go from there see with me the reason o went for biggest offered was because I didn’t wanna not be happy with them be My smaller than expected to paying all this money to still not be happy and keepwearing big padded push up bras xxx

    Laura 47

    Hannah don’t stress yourself over 25cc ( I did and Mr Traynor thought I was bonkers). I couldn’t decide between 350 and 375 and he said the difference once in is negligible. It’s like a spoonful of fluid. I went for 375 and I’m glad I did because they look fab (or at least they will do when I’m more than a week PO) x

    Hannah 9

    Thanks for advice Stacey I get what you mean , Laura I agree 25cc is tiny just daft really I’m very indecisive anyway lol can I ask what size you were before & are now ? Thanks xx

    Danielle 117

    @hannah I was 34/36b to start and I’m Now 34E they don’t look huge at all, especially in clothes, they look bigger in pics then real life. I had mr Traynor to and he’s brill he told me I look totally in proportion now, I’m a size 10/12 so not as slim as some of the girls on here. Here’s a pic from 6 weeks in a none padded none wired bra, I’m now 11wpo and they’ve dropped and fluffed a bit since then x

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    Laura 47

    Hi Hannah I was a 34b before and I’m not sure what I am as I’m only 1 week post surgery. I’m guessing I’ll be a nice full D or D/D at most. They aren’t massive (even swollen as they are now). X

    Hannah 9

    @danielle they look great do look quite big in that picture ,

    Ah okay thanks I’ll speak to him more about the size
    He’s told me not to go too big & not get too greedy as don’t want them to drop later on in life and be realistic xx

    Lou 101

    I went from A to E with 375 hp unders I’m 5’9 and a size 12

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    Hannah 9

    @lou they look great & a lovely size thankyou xx


    @h17392d Hi Hannah
    I had Mr Traynor 9 days ago I had 350cc high profile unders from a 32/34A. I haven’t got much swelling left and popping out of DD sports bras. I’m only a size 6 so they’re definitely big enough for my frame 😀 just waiting for the drop and fluff now :/ xx


    Try again…

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