Size advice – Worried they will be too small Started by: Stacey

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  • Stacey

    I’ve had a consultation about my uplift & implants however I’m worried they will be too small.

    I’m currently a 34C (fairly full tissue still but sagged from weight loss – hence the uplift) and I’ve been told I can only have 225cc due to having an uplift :/

    I’m worried they won’t be as big as I want and that I will be disappointed afterwards as I really want a E cup and the 225cc seems so tiny – I had around 300cc in my mind.

    I’ve seen loads online that have had uplifts with 300/325/350cc so unsure why I can only have 225cc.

    Any help would be appreciated as I’m freaking out about spending loads of money for small implants.

    Thank you 🙂


    can I ask who the surgeon is ? X

    Hannah 18


    I had 325ccs and wish I had gone smaller.

    My breasts were empty and saggy pre augmentation, my surgeon didn’t recommend an uplift at the time as he said the implant alone would be OK.

    Here I am 2 years later a week into recovery from an uplift as the implants were too heavy for my thin sagged skin, I should have gone smaller!


    I’m a 34C & getting an uplift & implants. I’m going for a 400cc. He recommended one size smaller & said 400c would be the biggest I could go


    Hiya I am currently a 34c and my dr said the biggest I could go was 300cc I am also having a uplift just worried these will be to small

    Miss M 10

    Did thr surgeon not explain why that size is advised?

    My surgeon suggested 300-:350cc for me to prevent further sagging. But I wanted bigger and the biggest he said I could go was 375cc as a little natural drop doesnt bother me. I had a reduction lift and implants 5weeks ago. They look great I do think they could have been bigger but They stil good x


    Hi I am also around 34c now deflated, surgeon recommended recommend 225cc as I said I don’t want them to look huge but nice basically how they were pre children! I am quite a slim frame. I thought it over and went back decided to go for 275cc moderate profile. Hoping for the best lol

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