Size and implant style!? HELP! Started by: Leanne

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  • Leanne 3

    Hi girls, i’m currently awaiting my first consultation, i have it this Thursday in Manchester. I’m currently really flat and not very full looking, although I’m apparently a D. I just want my boobs to be a little higher and look fuller up top but i like the idea of side boob. I also don’t know what to do with sizes etc… I think i would like to be an E but i’m quite small (5ft2) and only a size 4-6 so i don’t want to look out of proportion.


    If your a D now and want to be am E cup your talking 300cc 150cc =1cup ( 200cc-415cc small implants ) (450cc-650 medium) (690cc_900cc large) but to fair don’t be worring about size just yet as its down to your surgeon and he will tell you wot u can n can’t have down to your skin and with over /partials/under the muscle then high profiles med profiles lower profiles it’s all down to them xx

    Leanne 3

    oh so do they advise you properly on what size and style you should have etc?


    Yes the do huni you can’t walk n there and be like I want 90occ implants it’s down to your body from skin how much room u got xx

    Leanne 3

    oh ok. thank you hun. i can’t wait for my first consultation now i know a little more 🙂 xx


    Just ask size under or parts or over the muscle because the placement is important as that outcome on look overs you u get clavage with the lovely round look parts abit of a clavage with bottom round look under sit quite high up with clavage fair part and wot look you want and high profiles med profiles xx

    Ashie 36

    I really scared to be told they wont go as big as i want. I basically have nothing after expressing, no tissue and not alot of skin i no il have to go under the muscle but im hoping to get between 300-350 and hp

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