Size guide :) Started by: ducky01

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  • ducky01 4

    I’ve seen this on here before but thought it would be helpful to pre op girls as a rough guide to what they can expect 🙂
    I had 365 & 325cc from a c & d cup now measuring a 34E/32F xx

    ducky01 4

    Bumpedy bump!

    Em 3

    Hi Hun how are you ? Xx
    Add to your size guide
    I had 615 cc from 34b making me a 34 g . 🙂 xx

    ducky01 4

    Heyy chick I’m all good thanks yourself?? Wow your boobies are looking awesomeee!! Xx

    Em 3

    The rippling and fullness on my left boob is pritty bad . Part of my wounderes if my implant on that side might of ruptured . Its kinda hard looking on google to see pics or and real symptoms.
    Your boobs look fab Hun . Bet your well chuffed.
    I’ve spoken to my pc she’s sorting someone to have a look at my pups see if there’s a real problem or not . Still love them tho . 🙂 xx

    ducky01 4

    Oh no hun, is it visible with a bra on? Are you able to binge until you put a bit of weight back on? That’s exactly what I’ve done tonight :/ after losing 2lbs in 2 days too..doh! Oh no really try not to google too much hun wouldn’t want you to worry, google can be dangerous! Fab news though, has it been arranged for you to see someone yet? Aww fanks honey :’) they’re not as awesome as yours though, rippling or not they are banginggg! Lush to hear you still love them though babe xx


    Ducky01 that has actually helped me a bit more. Was quite confused about the sizes. My friend had a BA and she was a 34b now a 30f used 470 or something. Sounds like a lot, maybe I wont need as much :/. Just want big boobies lool 😀 xx

    ducky01 4

    Aww good I’m pleased honey just hope any others will pop there’s on to help others like yourself, it’s just a rough guide really but helped me a lot pre op 🙂 gotta love big boobies hahaa xx


    Hahaha, thanx babe !! Xx

    Em 3

    I’ve tried loads to put weight on . Iv spoken to the nurse shes arranged for me to see my surgeon next mnth hoping it just part of the many changes my boobs are going through. Iv spoken to girls who said there boobs lost weight up until the one year mark when they final saw the final results . It just seems miles away . They don’t notice in a bra . Just gonna try not to think about it to much . 🙂 . Just nerves about meeting a new guy and having to explain why and ripple rippling is . Lol .
    When do you think you should tell a new guy you’ve had a boobjob ? Xx

    Hannah 1

    If he asks Em! Boys will love your boobs so much I bet they won’t even notice! Lol xxx

    Em 3

    Thanks Hun . Now all I have to do Is find a nice guy 🙂 xx


    Im stressed that im not big enough. Ihad 32a before and had 410 yesterday.. But i feel that they dont look that big and when swellin goes down il b a C!! I wanted D/DD.. Where did u get measured cos everywhere is dif?.x

    Em 3

    Hun there gonna grow after the swelling gos I promise everybody’s does . When they drop your scars will be under the crease of you boob the fill out . I got measured as a 34f-ff at 6weeks post op . Just two weeks later by poor boobs were so squashed I went back the the same place same girl measured me as a 34g and they look very different. Even if my scars were red you wouldn’t see them that makes them feel more natural. Just give them time . They have loads of changing . Make a boob diary at least once a week take a pic . I loved seeing mine change . 🙂 xx
    I had mine measured at Anne summers.


    Awww thanx hun. Thats such a good ide for the diary! I am scared totake my sports bra off . Am i allowed just for like 5 mins a day?.x

    Em 3

    5 mins should be fine . You might be able to feel the weight of the boobs on you incisions that’s normal .x


    Thanx em.xx

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