Size question to post op girls Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 105

    Hi girls
    A question for all you girls who has had their surgery, when you tried the sizers on when you were choosing what size to pick .. did you found the outcome is completely different after your surgery regarding size? x

    kim 45

    Hey! Mine seems pretty much the same! Just slightly higher! But there not a massive difference in size! Maybe a tad bigger if anything but that might just be swelling as I’m only post op day 6 xx

    Jay 36

    Hi Jessica, I thought the sizers felt absolutely huge and stood out a mile away where as now I’m nearly 6 weeks and they have settled they feel no where near as big as the sizers and people who didn’t know I was having it done haven’t noticed which is exactly what I wanted xx

    abby rose 59

    Mines alot diffrent I tried the 450cc and they looked big when I tried it on and now I actually have them there so much smaller xx

    Paula 27

    Yeah I tried on 400 sizers, felt massive, I picked them anyway and my implants are no where near as big as the sizers to be honest xx

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