sizes??? Started by: beck281

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  • beck281

    hi ladies, im new to this forum!! im boked for my ba 3rd december, having allergen implants. not seeing him till 10th oct to discuss size and everything. im currently a empty 32 a/b and would like to be a full c but im a little worried he wont take me to this size as im a very petite size 6 and height 5 5 and a half( due to having coeliac disease) but am fit and healthy, just skinny!! has anbody had similar stats or been in a similar situation to mine and if so what was the outcome? thanks girls

    beck x


    :smile:hi im having mine done on dec18th im a 34a at moment 5ft 5 size 10 .im having 380 in one 410 in the other due to uneven having them under the muscle supposed to give a more natural look.they should take me to a full c small d.when i saw size of implants thought omg massive but if you havent got a lot to start off with then they shouldnt be that bad when there in x


    This is interesting im also a Coeliac but have had no mention of allergen implants im due to have my op on 27th of november at the highgate london.Im also very small 6-8 and 5f2 im currently 34aa and im having 315cc which should take me up to a good c cup i dont want to be any bigger as i think i would look out of perportion, i will keep you up to date. x


    :bigsmile:Hi Beck
    Thanks for leaving feedback you never no i might see you on the 27th at the highgate, Good luck.

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