Sizing and surgeon? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 5

    Hey everyone I have my e consultation Friday so excited I’m just seeing on sizing to what you all think, I’m 8 stone 10 5ft 3, I want to be about a D cup I think and from looking at photos I believe this is around 300 cc however I may be wrong?
    I want to notice my boobs however natural and not stuck on , I don’t want them to look fake. Would moderate be better then high profile? Is high profile still natural?
    I’m scared of them looking like 2 balls. I hope the consultant understands everything I say so I can get the correct surgeon
    Anyone have pictures of moderate and high profile around 275/300 cc please
    Also suggestions on surgeons for Presten
    Thank you


    Hi Sophie I have my first consultation on friday I’m excited for it but like yourself I’m not sure of what size either as I want them to look natural but a difference I’m not sure if I’m going to need the implant and a lift hoping after Friday I have more idea good luck with your consultation x

    Sophie 5

    Ohhh how was your consultation what sort of things do they ask! Do you feel happy after your consultation? I’m so excited I just want to get it across how I want them to look I really don’t want to look like I have two balls stuck on my chest xxxx


    Got my surgeon consultation on Friday too 🙂 good luck with your appointments. I’m hoping to be offered a relatively large implant size, I’m tall and broad in my opinion so feel like I need something to fill my frame.

    Sophie 5

    You to hun! Yes I want to be bigger but still look natural so I need to ask questions regarding the implant whether HP or moderate I don’t see many people with moderate though so not seen any photos xxx


    My appointment isn’t until tomorrow morning I’m looking forward to it I think I’m looking for them to be lifted up a bit and maybe just a cup size bigger I’m not to sure so hoping after tomorrow I will have a better idea then I might do that rice thing I have seen people write about see how I feel lol x

    Natilly 37

    Hi Sophie,

    I’m 5ft, 7 stone and I was a 32a. I had 300cc high profile round silicone textured over the muscle and I am now a 32d.

    I had Dr Sleiter (not sure if he goes to Preston), at the Harley health village. He was fab and gave me exactly what I wanted! Which was good considering I went elsewhere first and was told a load of bollocks! 😂

    They certainly ask you what you’re looking for and your expectations, so just be totally honest and clear on what you want, depending on your measurements/skin/current breast tissue etc. They will often tell you the biggest size you can go. I literally went in and said I want to be a 32d and that’s what I got!

    Good luck lovely!

    Sophie 5

    This is amazing sounds like you have had a great expirience, do you have any pictures of your before and after!
    My main thing I’m worried about is them looking fake and stuck on so aslong as I get that across I’ll be fine haha xx

    Natilly 37

    I have a great experience, it’s sad when you hear of those who don’t!

    The surgeon told me mine would likely look like implants because I have thin skin and a very narrow chest, I was also at risk of double bubble so had to have them over the muscle. I don’t think they look too fake unless I wear a proper push up bra!

    After 3 kids they were very depressing so I’m happy now! 🤣

    Before and 3 months po.

    Kimberley 6

    Hi sophie! I didnt go with Mya but i went for 300cc high profile. I’m 6 days post op and obsessed already…

    I was a 32a before and now im a 32D but i might be a large C when swelling goes down i’m not sure. I really wanted a natrual full perky look and high profile gave me that, if you message me on insta i’ll send you some pictures! @kimberleygarlick95 xxxx

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Kimberley 6.
    Sophie 5

    Perfect I have sent you a message hun,
    How was everyone’s consultations mine went well I’m so excited! Which surgeon have you been given? I have mr Mahdi trying to find out some info xxx



    Iv got my 2nd initial consultation on sat! I’m looking on the exactly same full natural to take me to like a D.

    I’ll be going Preston to last time I had consult last year they give me monuir? I was thinking on going with him.

    Did they give u a time frame? On consult with surgeon and op date I’m so excited just want them now!


    Sophie 5

    Nope not Spoken about the procedure date as of yet just got my surgeon consultation end of April which feels a life time away! Xxx


    I had my first consultation the same day I have my surgeon consultation booked for 24th of April and my surgery is booked for the 11th of May at Newcasfle with doctor traynor I’m looking forward to getting down to meet him and discuss sizes


    Ahh how exciting!! For us all.
    It’s like waiting for Christmas! Can’t wait to get some dates booked need to book some annual leave.

    Reading all the forum I feel like am probably going to go with the biggest size they give possibly 350/375. Av got quite a big bum so wanna even out the curves 🤣💖xxx

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