Skin Problems After Op? Started by: rhiannon

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  • rhiannon 7

    Hi Girls,

    I am currently 13 days post op and all seems to be healing well!

    Only problem, my skin is breaking out really badly! I’ve always suffered from problem skin, but since my op my face seems really oily and breakouts are worse than ever!

    Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, have any suggestions on products to use to help?

    Feel like my confidence has gone up as I now have boobs – but straight back down as my skin now looks awful 🙁

    Thanks in advance girlys,
    Rhiannon xxxxx

    Sarah 20

    I’m 6 weeks post op and still have really oily skin! I have a few spots on my face but I also have them on my boobs and inbetween my cleavage and I don’t know why 🙁 I’m seeing the nurse this evening so I will ask her if it’s normal, I’ve never had spots on my chest before so it’s so annoying! Hopefully she might be able to suggest something to help it xx

    rhiannon 7

    Yeah me too! It sucks doesn’t it 🙁 sorry to hear that you’re experiencing it too!! I was thinking it may be something to do with all the medication but i’m just not sure! Please let me know if she suggests something, such a shame as I love my new boobies but my skin is getting me down 🙁 xxxx

    Toula 27

    My skin has been really oily since op xx

    Ashie 36

    I had oily skin really bad up until day 5 but i used the simple spotless skin the wipes,face pads and the wash and its all gone its the simple in the bright green not the pale green. Xx

    Monica 23

    I had the same. It is caused by anaesthetics, painkillers and antibiotics. It took me about a month to come back to normal 🙁 I also had spots on my chest like never before and they gone after I stopped using bio oil…

    Aimee S 26

    I’ve come off my contraceptive pill in the run up to my op this week and my skin is already horrendous, it seems I have worse to come! Xx

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