Sleeping Started by: Annaliese

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    I had my op last Sunday and still sleeping propped up… Does anyone know how long I have to do this for?

    Laura -1

    I did it for about 2 week and I hated it!! in the end I went back to sleeping on my side and sorta propped meself up with some pillows wedged under my boobs….do you have a V pillow Hun? xx


    Oh okay was it comfortable to sleep on your side? Yeah I’ve got a V pillow which has helped but my back hurts so much and barely sleeping :/ xx

    Laura -1

    Yea I got a numb bum! it was awful….it was a little uncomfortable and took some manoeuvring to get into a nice position but it was doable. If I were you, an I no this isn’t what you want to hear lol but maybe try and give it an extra week propped up then try or failing that I slept flat on my back just short of the 2 weeks but on a pillow (under shoulder blade area) cause it was a little uncomfortable to lie completely flat. it was after that I could take no more lol and was sleeping on my side xx


    I was just going to post the same thing lol….I am 12 days post op + I am still sleeping propped up, but i am lucky if I get 3-4 hrs sleep, as a numb bum keeps waking me up. I did try taking a couple of pillows away the other nite, but i couldn’t get comfy, so just gonna bear with it for a few more notes x x


    Nights x


    Oh dear lol not good! Yeah I think that sounds like a good idea! I think lying flat will be better than propped up! As much as I hate sleeping like this I am a bit nervous about lying on my side etc! I don’t even like taking my bra off ATM in case there’s something wrong with them! Xx


    I’m 6 days PO, not really sleeping propped up anymore, try to but wake up flat on my back or on my side :/ xx

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