Sleeping Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley 64

    Hi all!
    I’m 32 days post-op and I’m wondering when I can sleep on my side? I have woken up a few times after being on my side and my boobs have felt achy and hard again. Don’t want to cause myself any problems but I’m a side-sleeper and soooo looking forward to lying comfortably on my side!

    Kelly 9

    @hayleycx hey Hun, how’s the healing going? I was 4 weeks post op on Tuesday and have been sleeping on my side for about 10 days now. Better on my left than my right.
    When I started it was a bit strange but feels ok now x

    Trace 158

    I started at 5 weeks post op – now can do it comfortably at 6 weeks post op – such an amazing feeling xx

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