Sleeping Started by: Michaela Henry

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    What’s the best way to sleep please girls
    I’m currently led in bed with my v pillow but can’t get comfy 🙁
    Dreading sleeping like this for two weeks
    I’m also starting to feel a bit sick and woozy any advice please
    Thank you xx

    sabrina 92

    I have a bed wedge under my mattress it’s brilliant so it makes the bed at an angle already, then i have my v pillow on top with v pointing up a memory pillow on that and a soft pillow over .. its very comfy and to top it off I have my legs by knees elevated by another pillow. I read to do this as takes the pressure off apparently. Ive had no probs sleeping at all… x I could take the v pillow away if needs be and use just norm pillows as the wedge makes it 45% anyway.. but is comfy. x


    Thank you where did you get your bed wedge from please zx

    Sian-Rose 8

    Hi Hun I’m 5 dpo and really struggling with sleeping too it’s driving me crazy! I’ve got a V pillow but today got a back rest from Argos for £22 and been using it in the sofa and it’s been quite comfy so hopefully this will make sleeping a bit better x


    Thank you I’ll have a look tomorrow think this is going to be the hardest sleeping up 🙁 xx

    sabrina 92

    HI I got my bed wedge from ebay – you can also get from amazon on next day delivery .. or if u have a health care shop in your town/city.. they are like a door wedge but obs big pillow versions hehe I think was about 22 but defo worth it.. x


    Thank you very much I’ll have a look 🙂 xx

    Kay 2

    I’ve got the back rest from Argos would defo recommend as I have mine in bed makes sleeping on my back bearable


    Thank you 🙂 xx

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