Sleeping on back Started by: Emma-may

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  • Emma-may 10

    How long do u have to sleep on your back and do you need to be sort of sat up with lots of pillows and things how did u all get comfy? Really not looking forward to sleeping on my back I have tried and can’t x

    Stacey 16

    It’s hard for the first couple of days but by day 4 I was just sleeping slightly propped up and have carried on doing this. I have found that putting a small rectangular cushion under my legs between my bum and knees and helped to stop me sliding down and has prevented me rolling on to my side! It’s not the comfiest and I am definitely a side and front sleeper but I have got use to it! Xxx

    Misia 54

    To be honest i sleeping very well 🙂 I was afraid sleep in sat up position but to be honest it’s comfy haha and my fiancé is happy because I’m not moving at all and look like vampire or zombie haha

    Emma-may 10

    Haha thanks girls x

    Ani 9

    Very important to sleep on back. At my 7 days post op nurse appointment for the strapping off, she told me that one girl this month had been sleeping on side. That girl now has one breast different size and slightly different position (as the swelling moves across). Sleeping on back is one of the biggest rules, in my opinion.

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    C 13

    I’m on day 5 post op I have my v pillow behind me and have a pillow either side of me to stop me moving It keeps me still and then rest a pillow on one shoulder to put my head on best position to date haha xx

    Amy 265

    Plus have a pillow or 2 under your knees it takes pressure off the bottom of your back and is a god send x

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