Sleeping on side Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m 4 days post op and have been sleeping upright in my living room. Am absolutely dying to get back into my bed but I can’t sleep upright in there, how long before you can lay down or even sleep on your side?

    Kirsty 4

    I’ve been sleeping at about 45 degree angle….had my 1 week check yesterday and asked about it coz was worried I was too flat etc and she said the position I was on the bed in the post op room was ok….and that was flatter than I had been sleeping! It’s mainly yo help with the swelling… unless u have been instructed otherwise, you can maybe flatten yourself a bit….defo easier to sleep then! I’m sure she said 7-10 days to lie on your back….not sure about sleeping on your side, will check next week! Any worries I’d ring the mya nurse tho xx


    Hey I was one week till I was on my side was told that I could sleep on sides as long as had good surport from sports bras to stop my implants from pulling I use long sussage pollow to take the pressure off by cuddling init with my legs n arms to take my body weight by leaning on it but she said every girl differs as if your body isn’t ready to go on the sides you u will know about it about but x

    Janet 4

    I asked about sleeping on side yesterday and the nurse said not until after 6 weeks. It can stretch yr scares and stretch yr skin x

    babyboo 6

    I’ve been sleeping on my side by putting a pillow under my boob as I lay on it like @alex Clarke. I had strapping off yesterday so I’ve been extra careful as I haven’t got as much support. I can’t stand sleeping on my back

    KarinaC 10

    Not sure about sleeping on the side but I have been told that sleeping upright is only to reduce the swelling. She said its not necessary but helps if you do. x

    sammie 6

    I’m 4 days post op and I’ve tried sleeping upright but always wake up laid down and I’ve been fine with it xx


    My nurse said your body will tell you if it’s not right if you can feel the scaring pulling or in any other pain it’s down to you girls on how u feel at the time it took me 8weeks to get on my side 1st time round x


    It’s all about how each girl feels 3ops in I pretty much know how my body feels but the key is anything course pain don’t do it xx

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