Sleeping upright Started by: Claire

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  • Claire

    Hi girls I was just wondering if any of you know how important it is to sleep upright as last night I slept flat on my back as I was too tired and couldn’t sleep upright. What is the reason for having to sleep like this? xx


    hi claire, the nurse told me i could sleep with just one pillow under me so thats what I’ve been doing x

    Danielle 1

    Sleeping upright helps the implants settle in better and is something to do with your breathing aswell the nurse told me. I went for my 1 week check yesterday and was told I can sleep flat on my back from now on. I was so excited! Slept flat on my back last night but woke up this morning so sore so i actually prefer sleeping a bit upright for now until they are fully healed xx


    Oh that’s good to know as I felt so stiff this morning as was wondering if its because I didn’t sleep upright. But I guess I would feel like that either way. Is it true if you sleep upright the shape of your boobs fall into place a bit better because at the moment mine feel really high?! xx


    Thanks Danielle im definitely going to try sleeping a bit uptight tonight as the pain this morning was unreal xx


    Before I had the op I was so worried sleeping up right would be hard. I have 2x bouncey pillows, two medium ones and two flat ones sort of behind and around me and then my v pillow on top. Slept so so well but I have had to kick my boyfriend into the spare room!

    Definitely invest in a v pillow. They are a tenner from Argos. Couldn’t have slept without it I think. I’ve started getting back ache now so have put a pillow underneat my knees x

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