sleepless nights! Started by: miley

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  • miley 17

    Its only day 2 and I cannot sleep sat up anymore I’m doing my best but my bum is hurting and I just want to lie down. How long do I need to sleep sat up for? Xx

    Amylouk 58

    To be honest hun I started trying to sleep upright and just slid down the bed each night…so I gave up after 2! I just sleep on my back now. My boobs are still in strapping and have the macom sports on (only half done up as its too small!) but I’m pretty confident they aren’t moving anywhere xx


    Hey hun try a stack of pillows put them across your bed and put your legs over them do they under the back of your knees this will help you to stop slipping down n the night and will take the pressure off your back I use a long a nig sausage pillow I had 8 weeks of sleeping like that xx

    miley 17

    Thanks for the replies its just starting to hurt my bum lol xx


    I’m having the same problem woke up this morning and my back was in agony and because I slide down during the night and end up half sat up/ half led down! do you know how long we’re supposed to sleep sat up for? xx

    miley 17

    I have no idea but I’m not liking it one bit xx

    Natalie 13

    I had nightmares before my op about sleeping. As I sleep face down hands above my head girl. 4 weeks post op tomorrow and actually getting used to sleeping up right the first 4/6 days is a killer every part of your body hurts. Know I’m used to it I have x2 pillows layed flat then my v pillow on top then I have a duck down feather pillow vertical through the middle of my v pillow to support my back. Sleep fine now. I am starting to lie on my side alittle but now I’m further on. But hate morning boobs regardless lol.xx

    miley 17

    I usually sleep face down too. Just wish I could get used to it quicker its 2am an I just want to sleep xx

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