Small girls!! Started by: Tee

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  • Tee

    Hi, I had my first consultation on Sunday, and a bit worried about the Size they recommended!
    I’m 5’3, size 6, very narrow and an empty 32a(aaaa!).. I was hoping to get around 300cc under the muscle but the surgeons said he’d only go to 240cc under as I was so small/ narrow, and I’m worrying this will only take me to a b?!
    Anyone with similar stats or advice please?
    Just worried about paying nearly 4grand and still have no figure! Xx


    Hi, what surgeon did you see? Maybe you should another one if you did want to go a bit bigger to see if they can offer you, I had mine done ! I’m 5 foot and size 6 and I was able to get 365 cui xx

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