I’m booked in with Dr Traynor on 11th October and he gave me sizes from 200cc – 300cc! I am 5ft 6, 8st 8 and a size 6, petite frame! I want natural as possible looking boobs and at the moment tempted to go for 250cc HP partials (as he suggested the HP partials) Can anyone help?!
Forgot to say I am a 32a at the moment wanting a c/small d!
I’m also a small frame size 6. Currently a 32a, I’ve been offered 250, 275 or 300cc. I’m going to opt for 300. I think all these are small implants so none will look fake!
My PA has said I will definitely achieve a full b even a small d because my small frame x
We’re a similar size hum. I’m 5 foot six and probably about 3 pounds heavier than you, wearing an 8 and a 32a ish. I’m so small I don’t bother with proper bra sizes, just buy padded and hope for the best. Like you, I wanted a good c just to put me in proportion and to get a natural look. I’m having my surgery tomorrow and I’m having either 275 or 250s under the muscle. I have one boob slightly larger so he said he might put a smaller implant in that one if you see what I mean to even it out. I’m not sure how I feel about that as I’m worried they’ll end up more uneven and to be honest the current difference is so small that its never bothered me. We’ll see. Anyway, I’m rambling. I’m really just posting because if you like I can send you pictures when I’m done to give you an idea since we’re similar sizes x
Hi Hun there’s really not much difference in size between 25cc about a small spoon full difference so I’d say go with the bigger size xxxx
Hi I’m getting 255cc on Thursday. I’m a size 6, 5’2 and have been told that this will take me to a full C. Was originally offered 300 and 270 too but both of these looked a little big for my frame when I had 3D imaging scans taken. I’m even a bit worried 255 might be (so also asked to see what 225 would look like however they do seem on the small side) but my surgeon has messaged his secretary to say not to worry leave it to him and he’ll use sizers on the day to see what will give me the look I want (between 225 and 255 I think). Hope this helps. Can obviously give you a better idea in a few days! Xx
Aw thanks so much girls for your help!
Is it OK to add you all for photos etc? Are you all getting HP too?
Of course no problem 🙂 I’ll be honest I can’t remember what profile mine are I think they’re either moderate high or high. I’ve been panicking for so long re size/shape I’ve now decided just to trust the surgeon as he knows what I want and what I don’t want! Should have added earlier I’m having anatomicals (not had much choice in that as little tissue in my chest area so he’s determined these will be best) xx
Thanks Clare! What surgeon are you having? Dr Traynor basically didn’t discuss which type as he doesn’t do teardrop so I’m assuming it’s HP! Would be good to know if you getting mod plus or HP. Because I have so little there already I just don’t want them to look stuck on! X
Hi. I’ve just had 310 UHP over muscle and they look anything but small! I’m so happy with them, a smaller implant goes a long way . I am so happy with mine and I’m only 2 days post op xx
Hi girls. I’m having mod plus profile. Add me as a friend and I’ll share pics when I’m done x
Thanks jess just added you! I don’t know whether Dr Traynor does Mod plus but will be so good to see your results xx
Hi Caroline if you like I can send you a picture of mine over a message . The surgeon went with 255 as he thought those fit me best. I only had them done this morning but from what I can see in my bra I absolutely love them! Perfect size for my frame. They are sitting very high at the moment but know they will probably drop and fluff to get slightly bigger, this doesn’t worry me though as I do think there’s room to go a bit bigger without them looking like they’ve taken over my body! So pleased with my results so far so can definitely vouch for the fact that a little goes a long way on us petite ladies xx
hey I had 250cc hp partitas wth Ms Lutz on the 23rd of august so I am 10dpo right and I have sim stats iam a bit bigger than you and the 250cc is just enough and I am yet to drop and fluff as they say so will look a lot better in the next few weeks although I am super happy with them now. il try put some photos on here if not just add me to view recent photos 🙂 hope this helps
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