Smokers advice ? Before op Started by: Kristiee

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  • Kristiee 3

    Hiii, I’m a smoker and was just wondering how long did anyone who smokes stopped before the op and after as Iv been told it can have really bad effects on healing ? xx thanks in advance

    Sarah 5

    Hi I smoke 3/4 a day I quit two weeks before op and six weeks after that’s what my nurse told me to do , but my surgeon wasn’t bothered that I smoked xxx

    Natasha 5

    I’d strongly advise stopping I smoke 10ish a day I cut down to 2 a day coming up to my op 2 weeks before and my healing took longer I had to keep my stitches in and Extra 5 days. My boobs should of fully healed by now but because of the fags my left one is taking longer and I’ve just managed to avoid infection . Also They do random nicotine tests in the hospital Xx

    Kristiee 3

    Ahhh okay thanks girls I will defo stop then ?? xx

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