Smoking?? Started by: emma79

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  • emma79

    :confused:Hi, just wanting to know really, has anyone had a ba being a smoker??
    Ive smoked for a long time now and tried several times to give up with no luck! Ive heard you cant have it done if your a smoker, is this true?? Im booked in and no one from mya have told me anything to do with smoking so i dont know!! Help!!?


    Hi Emma!

    I smoke, & my surgeon told me to stop a couple of days before the op. I’m going to completely stop during the healing process, as it makes it a lot slower if you smoke. But I’ve heard a few girls have smoked while having their BA and they’re fine! xxx


    oh thats good, dont get me wrong ill never stop trying!!! but if i cant at least i know its not the end of the world. xx


    i was worried about this too, but am quitting at end of the month well im gona try…!x


    same here ;) I originally gave up last year, but for the last few months i’ve been smoking sneakily, behind peoples backs, which i hate! My boyfriend thinks i only smoke when i’ve had a drink, but i’m doin it most days, hate lying and deceiving :( anyway…i;m only 2 weeks 2 days away from my op, gonna start wearing the patches again tomorro and try really hard to give up…i will need to cos i wont be able to go out for any sneaky ones when his with me after i’ve had it done! I’ve got to do it, now or never i think ;)

    I think alot of it is to do with the healing process, it reduces chances of infection aswell i beleive xx


    Ill be on the patches i think lol! well good luck with it girlies! xx

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