Smoking? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura

    So I have my rhino in just over 3 weeks, been told I should stop smoking 2 weeks before. Will I get away with an e-cig or is that just as bad? Dunno how I feel about going cold turkey but I know obviously its for the best for the healing process etc!

    Freya 70

    Ecigs are just as bad. It’s because the nicotine and other chemicals reduce your blood cells and make blood thinner so more risk of bleeding out, more risk or infection and slower healing. I stopped about 12 weeks ago now for getting my BA in January and have never felt better. Take the opportunity to quit now hun because you don’t only have to stop before you have to stop for the full recovery time too so pointless starting back up again. Hope this helps xx


    Ah 12 weeks thats impressive! I’m hoping it will prompt me to stop for good, I’m just worried I’m going to be a horrible cranky person the whole time haha xx

    Leona 1

    I didn’t realise the vape pens / e cigs were just as bad ? Xx

    Freya 70

    Yeh they are, they are advertised to not be as bad but my grandmother had a stroke after using one for 6 weeks and after tests it was all the added chemicals in them that aren’t in real cigarettes. They haven’t been on the market long enough to show the true side effects of them. If you think when smoking first came about people thought it was good for them and it was given to children then years went on and the true side effects came to light. I mean I’m no expert but I’m just passing on what I know 🙂 xx

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