Smoking after BA? Advice please girls :( Started by: dee13

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  • dee13

    Okay, so i know its totally wrong and against advice to smoke after a Breast augmentation, but i just cant seem to stop! I had my surgery 10th August (3 days ago) and im still smoking, i’ve cut down from 20 a day to around 10. Im so scared about getting Capsular contracture or any other complication due to smoking but it doesnt matter how much i scare myself by looking at photo’s i just cant seem to stop!?

    I realy am trying to cut down, but if i dont smoke i find myself feeling very down, i would go as far as to say depressed (last time i tried to quit i didnt want to leave the house, was constantly weepy and felt so low). And with me being post op and weepy and sore anyways i dont know how to even go about it.

    Any advice on stopping smoking and trying to keep my emotions balanced would be a great help girls, as i really dont want to encourage any problems now im so happy with my results



    Oh hunny! I quit and then got into the gym! You need to find another thing to do, not gym or smoking lol I’m eating ATM cos I can’t do either! Can you not try patches or the smokey inhaler things? Or if u want one go for a walk? You good endorphins in your body! So fresh air etc always helps! Maybe this could be a good time to give up for good :-) also by lollipops and chewing I’m, or soft mints! Xxx


    Thank you for the reply hun! I think the reason im smoking bad at the moment is due to boredom, i just need to find something to occupy myself. Walking seems a good idea, im usually at the gym every day for 2 hours so the lack of exercise probably isnt helping my moods either :(

    Bring on 6 weeks post op, hopefully i’ll stop being such a grump/worry-er xxx


    I’m with christina, you need a hobby haha! Try and spend as much of your time as you can around others so they can support you, I used lollys too but they bad for your teeth “/. My op is next week so ive stopped smoking too, I wasnt a heavy smoker anyway but if i do crave i smoke some molasses in my hookah pipe instead as theres no nicotine in there but still feels like im smoking. xx


    All the hobbies i have are active and the doctors said not to even try for 6 weeks :( Got friends coming round Wednesday and Friday (I thought id be too ill for guests just yet, boooo!) So hopefully they can cheer me up a bit (Then got a Wrestling Show on the 24th, seeing big muscley men should take my mind off needing a smoke and most definately put a smile on my face)

    I’ll have to try smoking molasses/shisha instead of cigarettes too (I didnt think i would be allowed as i thought it also stopped healing, shows how much i know right haha) xx


    Well I wasn’t sure either but I’ve tried looking it up and all I can find is that it’s the nicotine and tar that can affect healing. Maybe it would be best to check incase there’s any nasties in the charcoal that could potentially hinder things.

    Haha yeah muscly men shud def help! ;) xx


    Dee I’m same I thought I was going to be too poorly, now I wish I had told everyone to come visit from day 3 lol

    I am same with the gym, I stopped it a week before so I had no injury, just walked my puppy for 3 hrs a day, poor thing, he was not impressed lol!!!

    I have turned to eating, it’s not the best, but it will do!!! Buy grapes, fruit and nut bags, nibble things, it all helps chic :-) come on here and pm me hahahaha just a rant about anything u want lol

    Just to take your mind of it!!!! Getting out is always the best anti depressant! It doing my head in I cant shop yet! Or even spend a day trying clothes on or something lol xxx

    tashiemash 1

    hey dee13, im having my op on friday and i was a heavy smoker…. eventually cut down to 10 a day and ive now quit completely :) ive smoked for 11years so feel really happy! i found that the electric fag helped! and whenever u do things that would make u then want a fag, try taking ur self out of the situations! sounds daft but i work at horse yard so can smoke whereever whenever at any reason excuse so on and so on…. plus everybody i live with (5 others) all smoke soit was hard!! be strong and focused! what also helped me is everyone saying ‘ooo ul never do it’ because im a stubborn brat, just to prove a point ive done it lol!! and what better way to cheer urself up by buying something nice every day with what u would have spent fags on :p stay strong babe…. il prob be here down and ranting in 5 days time :) lotz of luvv xxx


    Try nicotine replacement therapy

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