smoking/drinking pre and post op? Started by: stacey

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  • stacey

    hi girls, I am booked in for my BA next tues, I was told by pc to quit a week before surgery and then told to quit 2 quit 2 weeks before surgery? I have seen on other posts about nipple death?? I was never told about this? surely there is a risk of that happening due to the type of surgery anyway? wat is the % of this happening either way? and is there anyone on this forum that this as happened too? I am guessing not….
    Stacey x

    Kelbel 3

    Smoking causes slower healing and alcohol thins your blood I think this is why they tell u to stop before and after. Hope that helps x

    Francesca -1

    Both smoking and drinking damages your body, it can make your blood thinner so it won’t clot as fast when you bleed, meaning you lose more, if you smoke it means it takes longer for cuts to heal due to all the crap you get in cigarettes that damage your body xx

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