Sniffle & slight cough Started by: Jo

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  • Jo

    Hi Ladies
    I’m worrying myself as my BA is a week tomorrow & I’ve had the sniffles for over a week & have a slight cough every now & again !! Hay fever is kicking in too & I’m panicking now that they won’t allow me to have my op next week.
    Any advise would be great xxx


    I had my op yesterday with a cold! I could hardly breathe out my nose but aslong as it doesn’t get to your chest it should be ok! Xxx


    I hope all goes ok Jo u should be fine, my daughter is loaded with cold and coughing her guts up all over me lol. I have my op a week tue, hoping if I do catch it then it be gone xxx

    Nicole 1

    I had a cough it was fine! As long as not chest infection if having a ga.


    I know it sounds silly but what was your cough like ? I went to docs over a week ago with sore throat but they said it was just viral, my cough isn’t constant if anything it’s more annoying as it’s just a small cough every now & again x how would I know if it had gone to my chest ?

    Nicole 1

    Are you bringing up any flem, that’s like yellow, brown or green. That’s usually sign of infection. You’d feel really crap prob temperature and coughing a lot. I also had sore throat and gp gave me antibiotics to cover me so didn’t turn into a bacterial infection. I mentioned it to the anesthetist and he didn’t even lists to me chest he just said I can see you are breathing fine.
    I just overdosed on honey and lemon drinks. Steaming and eating lots of fruit and veg.


    I don’t have any temperature, feel fine to be honest I’m just over panicking which is making me feel worse, I’ll make sure I drink lots of fluids, stock up on honey lemon for a few days etc xx thank you x fingers crossed it’ll go. I don’t know what I’d do if they said NO

    Nicole 1

    Just don’t take cold remedies with aspirin in as this can thin your blood!


    Advice to anyone who thinks they’re getting a cold or are surrounded by people who have colds and worried about catching one close to their op – use First Defence! I’ve been using it for a few weeks as everyone at works has an horrendous cold and cough that lasts for ages, goes away for a few days, then comes back! My BA is a week today and, touch wood, no sign of catching it. Also fresh veg & fruit juices and anti-bacterial hand gel 🙂

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