So I’m 3days post op and I just feel like a size of a house! Stopped my pain killers don’t really need them and stared feeling sick on them but now I just feel so full all the time and so bloated! Anyone know when this will pass😅
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I had that before when i had a leg operation. If goes after a week or two but i found reducing carbs and protein and trying to eat lots of veg and fruit helped. And keep drinking water. It will pass though x
I’m the exact same, it’s horrific! I’m 2 weeks post op today and most of my body is retaining water. My nurse told me to try light walking and elevating my legs whenever I’m sat down, which actually seems to be helping slightly!
I was bloated too but my nurse told me to keep up a high protein diet as it improves the rate of healing.
Yesterday was my 1 week check and all my strapping/plasters are off, so I wouldn’t reduce protein, just carbs 😊
I’m on day 2 po and I’m am so bloated and swollen I feel horrible! I was sick 6 times yesterday so I’ve put it down to that. Just hope it stops soon! Xx
I went shopping today to Cardiff and was sick in middle of the street I been fine apart from that, can’t wait for bloating to pass I’ve even took Rennies and still the same 🙁