so confused about profiles :( Started by: Lindsey

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  • Lindsey

    Hi all really feeling confused and overwhelmed about PROFILES! I’ve been recommend by Dr mounir to have ultra high profile because of the risk of rippling as I’ve fairly thin skin on my chest after having my daughter however after reading into it I’m really worried that they’ll be a huge gap between them! I’m a 34/36B now with a slight (probably 1cm) gap, but really do not want pointy gappy boobs after paying all that money to feel unhappy can anyone give me any advice please feel free to add me xxx

    Viki -1

    Hi Lindsey,

    I didn’t even know about profiles, until my BA was booked, which is a big fail on my part!
    I had high profile though and they are great. Feel free to have a look if it helps 🙂 I’m 6 weeks post op and can get a decent cleavage and my gap isn’t too big.

    What cc have you been offered? X


    Yours look great Viki! I’ve been offered the biggest 375cc as I’m not having a lift and Dr mounir is worried that my skin elasticity isn’t great and any heavier will sag quickly but I think 375 will be okay he’s confident ill be a DD which I’m happy with! What CC did you have? Were they unders or overs? X

    Viki -1

    I only had 300cc but I’ve reached a 32/34DD, which is amazing. I always thought I’d end up a C cup.
    So you should definitely reach your goal.

    I had unders, which I had no choice, he had to because of my skin elasticity xx


    Wow they look a great size for 300cc! What size were you before if you dont mind me asking? Well i thought i would have to have unders but he said no! We’re they more expensive out of curiousity? Xx


    Hey huni under the muscle should be the same price as overs but you should be glad your not having fully under the muscle as you would get a big gap as the implants are push a part with the muscle I had cleavage b4 my 1st op with unders Then got no cleavage wot so ever but if you have parts they seem to get the cleavage but your uhp implants will give you wot you need without going to big on the implants as your over muscle you will get your cleavage no problem I find some info for you on the (under the muscle and look you get ) down to parts n overs and the diffence on profiles to but you got nothing worry about it as your sugroen has hand picked to tiler to your body alone xx

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