So first day back at work … Started by: pinkfly7

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    No One noticed …. Shoot me!

    **Sticks tongue out**


    awww! i feel the same! but take it as a compliment! it means youre well proportioned and your surgeon did a GREAT job, plus if anyonbe did notice would they really say??



    hahaha! Yeh too true babes! I could only puff my chest out for so long was getting out of breath..(Joking)
    The funny thing is, I wore my macom and I looked just like I would in the same dress but with my padded bra, So genuinely looked no different
    (Other than my nipples poking out which is rather awks!) xx
    Hope your well babes xxx


    its so true, sometimes i think that but i couldnt acheive mine even with padding. nipple thing is true/hilarious! mine are terriboly sensetive right now! and i keep bashing them cause i forget theyre there! i have big numb boobs so i always forget my space and litertally knock into things! know what i mean?? #boobjobproblems 😉

    dont worry, come summer EVERYONE will notice 🙂


    hahahahah! Yeh I did that the other day, Whacked the fridge door into them!” How I dont know, I was like “Who put them there” …..
    Yeh babes mine are mega sensitve too, Just feel real sunburnt still, Ive got most the feeling back though think its just underneath thats numb now!
    I havent looked at the babies since first thing this morning, Going to unleash them in a minute haha – Ive missed them! xx

    Sarah 1

    Same here Pinkfly7, first day back at work and the girl with 2 backs now has boobs and no-one bloody noticed , couldnt believe it

    Hayley -1

    Hahaha pinkfly it was my first day back today as well and I was the same couldn’t wait to get home and get them out, missed looking at them all day…so glad I’m not the only one 😉 x


    hahaha @Sarah @Hayley whats a girl gotta do around here to get her tits noticed!!!
    We will be rocking up in nipple tassles tomorrow!! xxx

    Jess 1

    Hahahahahaha you girls crack me up!!!
    Gutted they wernt noticed wait til you can wear proper bras then you will get some double takes girls 🙂
    Lol @ unleashing them…I may do that too iv missed mine too all day!! 🙂


    hahahaha! Even my Macom feels baggy now! Trying to get a cleavage in this is like trying to curl my eyelashes blindfolded!!
    Im going to have to get some new tactics to tide me over for the next 4 weeks! xx


    Haha! Love it so funny! You got to admit these sports bras really don’t help. They’ll all notice soon 😉 x

    Hayley -1

    I literally can’t wait to wear a proper bra…people at work aren’t gonna know what’s hit them when I can unleash these bad boys 😉 x

    Hayley -1

    I literally can’t wait to wear a proper bra…people at work aren’t gonna know what’s hit them when I can unleash these bad boys 😉 x


    hahaha The mums at school are going to be like … Oh here she comes, Pamela Anderson …
    **Strolls past wearing a thong**

    sophiemarie -4

    Thing is wen we wear padded bras we look in proportion and with fake boobs we look the same to other people but we don’t have to wear thick padding anymore and maybe cud even go brakes and still look the same size. X

    Jess 1

    Hahaha @pinkfly7 I keep laughing out loud at your comments my bf is like whaaat?! are u on that bloody forum again??? Lol :/ xx


    hahahahahaha @Jess! I know I keep saying to mine, rewind it rewind it, Pause it, Pause it! about Big Brother, He’s like no “Put the Ipad down and stop talking tits, You’ve seen more boobs than me now …. Errrrrrrrrrrrr well this calls for a different convo”!!!xxx


    😉 xx


    Ha! @Jess my husband said exact same thing tonight he reckons I’m obsessed but might have something to do with the fact that I flash him every five seconds! @pinkfly I’ll have a little chuckle tomorrow morning at drop off thinking about your comment I’m sure x

    Jess 1

    Hahahaha OMG mine says the same lol he calls himself an “MYA widower” lost me to the forum!
    He also has taken away all my programme choosing rights as apparently I’m “not even watching”…I reminded him I can multitask (I can’t -I want to rewind toooo!) xx

    Jess 1

    @amt1 I think if it’s possible my bf is actually bored of my boobs already…also been at the frequent flashing, I’m like have they dropped yet? Have they fluffed? He’s like what the hell is fluffed?!?!?! Lol xx


    Ha Ha yeh well just wait girls till MYA bring out the ‘Willy extensions’ Sure they will love a bit of the forum then 😉
    Right back to Big Bro!
    Peace and Love Ladies xxxx


    Lol!! Exactly @Jess!! Even watching big brother I’m talking about the the girls boobs on there….crap maybe I am obsessed! Goodnight girls xx


    Hahaha Ladies (boob obcessed flashers) u have made my night readin this just before bed… ill be dreamin of nipple tassels at work and strutting boobs out shoulders bk in the school playground tomoro. .. so Funny xx

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