So happy!! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls, this forum has been such a great help and so many girls have been great with advice! I found pictures so helpful, so thought I would post mine so far! I was barely a 34a and I wanted to go over the muscle, surgeon agreed I had enough breast tissue, I let him decide on size as I couldn’t, so he decided on 380 overs. This pic is 1 hour post op and so far I’m so happy! I will post another in a few months to see the difference xx

    Brooke 45

    Wow these look amazing! Wishing you a fab recovery xx

    Ramla 27

    Thank you very much for sharing your pics(btw they look amazing). I too am struggling to pick size- I’m 5’7 8st5 and size 8, going back and forth between 350 and 375! My surgery is booked for next Monday so might let Dr pick the size. Wishing you a super speedy recovery xx

    Brooke 45

    @Ramla – I have chosen 350cc HP over and I am 5’4 9st10 and size 8-10. Currently a 34C but have a look of breast tissue so going for this size to avoid a lift. xxx

    Ramla 27

    @Brooke – I’m leaning towards 350 as I don’t want to be too big. Would be ideal if I could be awake for op to decide size (would probably faint if at sight of blood ????). Xx

    Brooke 45

    I’ve compared as many pictures as I can between other people with smaller pre-op size as I haven’t found anyone that’s a similar size to me at the moment so it’s a struggle. I have seen a lot of comments from people saying always go for the biggest that they offer but I’m not getting mine for size to be honest, more for a fuller look to what I currently have so it really is down to preference. Oh god, I keep dreaming about boobs and then thinking about that film “awake” haha xxx


    I’m 5’7, about 10 and a half stone, size 10-12 on the bottom and was an 8 on top, I went to see my surgeon three times as I kept panicking I was going to big, he reassured me he would make me in proportion for my body shape, that’s why I let him pick what he felt, at present im glad he picked the bigger size! It’s so hard as all implants look different on everyone even if they are the same size xx

    Sophia 47

    They look amazing! You must be so pleased x


    Does anyone have any pics? I’m the same size but can’t decide between 375 and 400?! Xx

    Becca 167

    My advice would be to take the biggest size that you have been offered – I did, and I still wish I could have gone bigger, even though my surgeon had reservations about whether the size that I currently have would fit to begin with. Boob greed is very real!

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